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beanygirl 10-22-2005 03:57 PM

Demo etiquette?
I have two friends that are both SU demos (they don't know each other). When SU had the demo sign-up special, both asked me if I wanted to sign up. I signed up with one, but I would still like to attend stamp camps that the other's upline organizes. Is there some kind of "etiquette" where I shouldn't really go to these camps since I didn't sign up with their group? My friend was a little upset that I didn't sign up with her (she wants a cruise; doesn't everyone?) and hasn't informed me of the monthly camps since. I would appreciate any thoughts or friendly advice!

Consuelo 10-22-2005 04:01 PM

Does it JUST bother you that she's not inviting you to events, or that you feel like your friendship is suffering? If it's really bothering you, you should talk to her. I think it would help her understand why you didn't sign with her. It can be a personal blow to be chosen over someone else.

Joan B 10-23-2005 02:44 AM

At this point, why not call your friend and ask her out to lunch to clear the air. Explain that you flipped a coin and went with the other friend, and can you guys still be friends? If she's acting cool, then you know the friendship is limping to a conclusion. As your friend if she would mind if you called her upline and ask to be invited to her stamping events. If she does mind, I wouldn't go. She's already hurt and showing up might be rubbing it in. Good grief, there are so many friend/customer posts issues. SU should do an article on this issue alone.

Luckily none of my good friends is into stamping!

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