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-   -   Delays - Stampin' Up! or Demo...? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/delays-stampin-up-demo-99573/)

Catapiper 11-14-2005 01:04 PM

Delays - Stampin' Up! or Demo...?
Hey ya�ll�

I�m not a demo, but I do have a question about delivery. I�ve only been an �obsessed� customer for about 6 months, but over the past 6 months I�ve placed 5 sizeable orders. I love the product, but frustrated with the service. I�ve placed all of my orders through one particular local demo, and the delivery times for these orders have been absolutely ridiculous, taking anywhere from 4 to 7 weeks (from the order date).

When I inquire about the delays, the demo tells me either the �warehouse is backed up� or, �it was shipped wrong� or, �the hostess didn�t close out her party immediately�. She doesn�t communicate the order status, and I�m left wondering.

Example: The last order I placed was on 9/30 and I still haven�t received the order.

What do you suggest? Are these kinds of delivery delays typical, or should I find another demo?:confused:

I�m curious as to what you think....

Qbee 11-14-2005 01:11 PM

My demo happens to be my best friend, so I really have an "in" when it comes to knowing when my shipment is going to arrive. I had a workshop in October and it took us almost a week to get all the order in after my workshop. We placed the order on a friday and it arrived the following thursday. It really sounds like you need to think about working with another demo. I would go crazy waiting 6 weeks for my order!!!!

Susannk 11-14-2005 01:17 PM

I would check on her and see if she could let you know when the order is coming in or to tell you when she is putting in the order. Maybe she can but your orders in as a hostess with you as a hostess if your orders are large enough or as an individual customer order so that they can be delivered directly to you. When I place an order it usually takes a little over a week to get here and I am on the east coast. Maybe she is having problems delivering the orders too. Check to see if she has them and offer to pick them up. I know it's fustrating I want my orders the day after I order. :)
Hope that helps some

row4d 11-14-2005 01:18 PM

I think you need to have a serious talk with your demonstrator. There are only two legitimate reasons I can think of for an order to be significantly delayed -- a defective or missing item that she had to contact SU! about replacing, or a backorder. Only a small handful of items have been on backorder since I became a demo three months ago, so that probably isn't the problem.

For me, in coastal Georgia, orders normally arrive within 6 calendar days of the date they left the SU! warehouse. When I was a customer, we had our workshops on a Tuesday evening and the box would always come the following Friday. I get things a little faster now because I don't have to wait for the 3-day right-to-cancel period to pass before putting in an order for myself!

The only time I've ever had to wait longer than 10 days or so is when an item was backordered, and even then the rest of the order came on schedule and the backordered item arrived separately.

serialpurrs 11-14-2005 01:20 PM

I have never had a problem with things arriving that late. I think a week has been the longest I've had to wait.

If it was me having these problems, I'd seriously starting to look for a different demo.

serialpurrs 11-14-2005 01:20 PM

I have never had a problem with things arriving that late. I think a week has been the longest I've had to wait.

If it was me having these problems, I'd seriously starting to look for a different demo.

allee's 11-14-2005 01:36 PM

You need to find a new demonstrator. With this happening repeatedly, the fault obviously is hers. I have never had to wait over a week for an order and I have placed many orders.

laurakj 11-14-2005 01:36 PM

If it's taking you 6 + WEEKS to get your order... you need to find a new demo! That's not right! I'm not a demo, but my demo tells us the day she places the order and then it's anywhere from 7 - 9 DAYS til she gets the order in and then another 2 or 3 until I get it. So maybe a total of 2 weeks go by from the time I order and I get my stuff. And even IF there is something missing, I've gotten the rest of my order and the missing item in another box later.

tnd151 11-14-2005 01:43 PM

Agree with everyone else! At most 2 weeks. I've even ordered thigns that were on backorder, but my other items came on time and early; and the backordered items came later in a separate shipment.

tnd151 11-14-2005 01:54 PM

Agree with everyone else! At most 2 weeks. I've even ordered thigns that were on backorder, but my other items came on time and early; and the backordered items came later in a separate shipment.

anniem888 11-14-2005 01:58 PM

When there is a "rush" peroid there may be a bit of a wait, usually the last few days of Sell-a-bration, the end of the catalog period in june/july, the begining of the new cati. ordering. When they were moving to the new wearhouse there was a big backorder and waiting time. I have not had any trouble getting my orders in the past 3-5months. If anything it has been better than good! I put an order in and it is shipped the next day I get it in another 1-2days. I do hold my orders for 3 days before I place them it gives people a chance to change their mind or add onto the order.

I wonder if your demo is holding orders and placing them all together at the same time? Is she shipping to you, or to her house then bringing them to you? She may also be overstressed and not getting the orders to you for a few days/weeks after the order arrives. I'd talk to her, tell her you have a friend/cousin (your splitcoast family) in another town, and she seems to get her order 6-10 days after placing it. See what she says. Then see if you can find another demo if you don't like the answer.

Let us know.

Vivitrigue 11-14-2005 02:47 PM

I have had two different demos in two different states and they never took more than 7 days to get the order in and call me right away to see how I can get it or them to me.

I don't know what's going on but it definitely sounds like she is not telling you the truth. Stampin up is really good about filling their orders on time.

Take care,


Arlene Bridges 11-14-2005 03:00 PM

I am not a demo either, but something is really really wrong.

When I use my local area demo, I get my package about 7 days after my order.

My stamp club is another matter. My order has to be in by 15th of the month and the order is sent to my demo (who lives in Chattanooga, TN) and then she sends mine out to me ( I live in NW Mississippi). I usually have my order in hand by the 25th of the month and that is because we have a double shipment occuring. Our entire stamp club group formed off a MSN scrapbooking site, and we are extremely happy with our demo. These were all facts we knew in the beginning and this is our 2nd complete round of the SU CLUB.

Time for you to look around for a new demo. Either look up on the SU website or I would gladly give you my demo's info (as would many others). There is no reason for 6 weeks or longer (gosh it sounds so much like the defunct Snap in A Scrap company -- always on backorder).


acferre 11-14-2005 03:00 PM

I don't feel your demo is being totally honest with you. I believe she may be holding orders and possibly turning in several orders as a "workshop" and then taking her good old time delivering them to you. I am a demo and I hold orders 3 days (cancellation period) and submit them. The order is usually shipped withing 48 hours from S/U. Sometimes there are delays usually when a mini catalog is expiring, the new catalog turnover, Sell-a-bration, etc. I live on the East Coast and if my order ships on Wednesday, I have it the following Wednesday. I'd follow anniem888's suggestion and discusss it with her. You could always find another demonstrator that would be more than happy to give you great service. I love my repeat customers and greatly appreciate their business!! Best of luck!


myboys 11-14-2005 03:59 PM

Wow you striked up conversation on this post, and all seemed to agree on the same thing. Thats too bad, especially if you are a great customer. Its hard when you want your product. I am not a demo either but seriously considering it. I believe its SU standards to have the product shipped within days (less than a week) of the order being placed. If this is not done, the demo is responsible for contacting and letting the customer know why there is a delay. You deserve better.


mmferg 11-14-2005 04:01 PM

I think that is ridiculous...time for you to find a new demo.

SU! has not had shipping problems for almost a year now. I am in WI and I get my orders in 5 days...never any longer...never!

If you write a check is she cashing it right away?

I have a monthly club that I run, and I put the girls order in the night of club. Once the order ships, I e-mail them the tracking number...just in case they want an update throughout the week. The day the order arrives I sort and delivery that day...why?? because that's my job...good service!

Mahloumel 11-14-2005 04:13 PM

Please contact SU about this demo if you feel she is not providing you with adequate service! Too many other SU demos are working their butts off to give good customer service for any bad, indifferent demos to get away with their poor service!

That's just me; I'm not a demo or anything, but I just feel it is almost disrespectful to terrific demos to let the few bad apples get by unscathed.

Sianne 11-14-2005 04:15 PM

I would change demo's myself!! I have NEVER had it take longer than a week and that was when it was backed up!!! We usually get our orders within 3 to 4 days.

Isn't there someone else you can depend on???

Mahloumel 11-14-2005 04:34 PM

Will it let me edit my double-post this time?

nasmith1701 11-14-2005 05:15 PM

I would tell her that you have family who gets their orders in 7-10 days. And ask her why it is taking so long. I have been a demo for 1.5 years and have NEVER had an order take more than 12 days to get here. Usually I can place an order on monday, and have it that friday (via regular ground shipping, and no I don't live in utah, I live in seattle.)

If she doesn't fess up as to why in the world it is taking so long, I would start looking for a new demo! I would also call SU and tell them about it!

crazycatstamper 11-14-2005 05:35 PM

I've only been a demo for about a month, and I'm in California so shipping only takes 2 days, but all the orders I have placed have shipped the same or the next day. Are these orders just for you that you are placing or are you doing parties? If you are hostess, maybe one of your guests has written checks that have not cleared the first time? That would cause a delay in getting the order in. If you are just placing orders for yourself, I hate to suggest this, but your demo may be holding them to add to parties she is doing so she only has to place one order? There are other more insidious thoughts, but I won't post them here..... If she is someone you have known for a while, I would give her the courtesy of a "WHAT'S UP" call. If she doesn't have a good reason, I'm sure any of us would be DELIGHTED to place those orders for you! ;-)

stampin-sunnychick 11-14-2005 05:57 PM

IMO it sounds as if your demo is holding out for more orders so that she may reap the benefits. KWIM? May I ask, "Is any of your orders over $100-$150?" If your order is sizeable and close to receiving Hostess Benefits...She may be waiting until she receives enough orders so that she can get the benefits. Demos are allowed to place Hostess orders and receive all the benefits just like a customer would. (some customers may or may not *know* this)

I should think that she would at least contact you and let you know why she is holding up your orders. 6 weeks is absolutely ridiculous and there is no SU! reason that would cause an entire order to be delayed for that length of time. Even with a b/o the rest of the order would be shipped. HTH but it sounds as if you have rec'd lots of good information already...

Sorry if this is a repeat of an earlier post...With the SCS changes I am still unable to read all the posts and sometimes I can't even "see" my posts...SO, promise I am not just being lazy today...

speanburg4 11-14-2005 06:53 PM

I think I would seriously look for a new demo. It depends on where you live, but my orders never take anywhere near that long. I had a demo place an order for me on Friday night, and Mr. Brown is bringing it Tuesday. I cannot imagine waiting over a month. My Stamp Club met last Monday, but the hostess is trying to get her sales up a little more, so the order hasn't been placed yet. But once it does get placed, it should only take a couple days to get here. I am really sorry you have had to wait so long for your orders. I would look for a new demo today!

AmandaCalloway 11-14-2005 07:06 PM

I had the same problem with my demo and then I signed up and I now know the shipping is fast. I would say find a new demo and do not feel bad, or you could sign up and be a hobby demo if you are placing large orders. Good Luck!

prairie mom 11-14-2005 07:54 PM

Honestly, it seems as though something is fishy there. I live in Canada and the orders I receive take around 7 to 8 days from the time they ship. Seems as though, like someone else said, she is trying to reap the benifits. I would maybe find another demo.

Joan B 11-15-2005 02:29 AM

Any demo can tell you the date she placed the order, the order number and the expected date of delivery by UPS. Not only would I get a NEW demo fast, I would call STampin Up and explain what's been happening to you. This is totally not right.

Catapiper 11-15-2005 10:15 AM

Delays - What I think now....
Thank you all for your comments and especially your advice. I have to tell you that my jaw dropped after reading how quickly it takes all of you to get your orders. After some of the things I�ve heard from my Demo, I was led to believe it can often take weeks for the order to ship. :eek:

About a month ago, I recommended this Demo to a friend (hind sight � bad idea), my friend hosted a party, and I attended. I made sure to tell my friend to inquire about the shipping delays, which my friend did. The Demo told my friend, �She�s just an impatient customer� (referring to me). When my friend passed on to me this little tid-bit, I was shocked and a bit embarrassed, wondering if I really am �impatient�.

I know I�m venting, and I�m sorry, but after reading all of your comments I�m getting more fired up about all of this.

Nonetheless, I certainly think it�s clear that I�m not impatient, and I�ve been giving her the benefit of the doubt for far longer then what I should have. To agree with you, I also feel sure that something �wrong� is happening here. I have thought about becoming a demo, after the first of the year (have to get pass the Christmas spending first), but I�ve been reluctant to even pursue it because I didn�t want her to be my mentor (or get any kind of profit off what I work my tushy off to sell � gosh that sounds so mean of me.)

Yep, I will certainly take my business to someone more deserving!

Rubbernecker 11-15-2005 12:37 PM

Catapiper - If you're thinking of becoming a demo, Sellabration (Jan and Feb) is a great time to do it since you will get an extra free set of your choice in your kit!

I think you're right - your current demo might not be the most supportive upline. You might want to go on the demo locator on the SU site and find other demos in your area. Get in touch with them and find out what kind of support they can offer you as a downline. Some have downline meetings, others are just so enthusiastic about stamping and would make a great stamping "buddy", etc. Find someone you "click" with. It's possible to be successful (however you define "success") without a supportive upline but it should be someone you would want to associate with.

Good luck!

row4d 11-15-2005 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Catapiper
Thank you all for your comments and especially your advice. I have to tell you that my jaw dropped after reading how quickly it takes all of you to get your orders. After some of the things I�ve heard from my Demo, I was led to believe it can often take weeks for the order to ship. :eek:

About a month ago, I recommended this Demo to a friend (hind sight � bad idea), my friend hosted a party, and I attended. I made sure to tell my friend to inquire about the shipping delays, which my friend did. The Demo told my friend, �She�s just an impatient customer� (referring to me). When my friend passed on to me this little tid-bit, I was shocked and a bit embarrassed, wondering if I really am �impatient�.

I know I�m venting, and I�m sorry, but after reading all of your comments I�m getting more fired up about all of this.

Nonetheless, I certainly think it�s clear that I�m not impatient, and I�ve been giving her the benefit of the doubt for far longer then what I should have. To agree with you, I also feel sure that something �wrong� is happening here. I have thought about becoming a demo, after the first of the year (have to get pass the Christmas spending first), but I�ve been reluctant to even pursue it because I didn�t want her to be my mentor (or get any kind of profit off what I work my tushy off to sell � gosh that sounds so mean of me.)

Yep, I will certainly take my business to someone more deserving!

Ya know, there's always the possibility that she's an SCS member and will see this thread and be so embarrassed that thousands of people now know about her shenanigans that she'll shape up! Nah, if she's brazen enough to do some of the things you've been talking about she probably has no shame... :rolleyes:

lishjohns 11-15-2005 12:50 PM

I always get my order within 5 days. Find a new demo! No questions asked!

CardFanatic 11-15-2005 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by row4d
Ya know, there's always the possibility that she's an SCS member and will see this thread and be so embarrassed that thousands of people now know about her shenanigans that she'll shape up! Nah, if she's brazen enough to do some of the things you've been talking about she probably has no shame... :rolleyes:

When I saw this thread last night, I thought "Uh oh!" I had a similar problem with delays with my former demo. I, too, wondered if I was just impatient and I posted a thread about it. However, she is a member here. Let's just say, it's not a pretty story.

Get a new demo. Sometimes, the grass really is greener on the other side.

lacyquilter 11-15-2005 03:55 PM

In the back of the SU catalog, it states re: delivery:

"We ship through the best carrier available. Product is usually shipped to deliver within seven business days from the date the order is received by the company. Stampin' Up! shall not be liable for any delay in shipment that is caused in whole or in part by circumstances beyond Stampin' Up!'s control."

This would clearly indicate that the problem does not lie with SU. At most, you should receive your order within two weeks. And at any time there is a problem with a delay, it is only good business to contact a customer with an explanation.

As a demo for 7 yrs., the only time I have ever had a long delay was during SU's transition to a new site. I was in constant contact with customers who were waiting for an order. As a thank you for their patience, I also gave them extras, even though the fault was not mine.

You most definitely should find a new demo.

dbear 11-15-2005 08:17 PM

I'm not sure what the problem is, but I have been a demo for a year now, and I have never had to wait longer than two weeks for an order, and I live in Canada! Shipping always takes longer ot get here baecause of the border. Something sounds kind of weird to me. I'd ahve a chat with her, and find out what's up. If you don't get the answer your looking for, maybe a new demo would be the way to go.:(

Kar 11-16-2005 02:04 AM

Most orders are shipped the SAME DAY they are placed so about 7 days after you place your order you should have it, depending on where you live. I think it is time to find a new demo. Do a search on the demo locator on the SU website and see if there is anyone close to you on there!

iluvart72 11-16-2005 02:40 AM

Go to the Stampin'Up website and click on the "find a demonstrator" button. It will show you a list of demonstrators in your area and you can keep stampin' without the unnecessary wait.

lesliemommy 11-16-2005 08:40 AM

I agree find a new demo, better yet, become a demo.

I place *individual* orders and have them shipped right to my customer unless I am holding a workshop. Then I give my 3 days and place my order. It takes me about 2-4 days to get it. (I'm in CA) if there is an order error it gets shipped directly to the customer so they dont have to wait longer than they should.

What she is doing is bad business.

amycara 11-18-2005 11:44 AM

Ok, I have to pipe in as well. I am APPALLED at the lack of service you've been receiving as a loyal customer! I live in CT and it takes 7 days to get my orders once UPS has them. Sounds to me like your demo is getting all the benefits and passing none back to you. I mean, do you get a free stamp set and $15 in merchandise dollars to spend if you place a $150 order? I always pass this benefit back to my customers when they are ordering directly and not through a workshop -- the hostess gets the benefits then of course.

I am equally disgusted that this demo had the nerve to bad-mouth you to anyone let alone a friend (I'm happy that your friend told you so you know what you're up against!). She gives all of us hard working and caring demonstrators a bad name! If you're spending a lot, I would push toward being a demo (my only regret is I didn't do it sooner!) but DO NOT sign up under this particular demo and give her one penny of your sales! There are many, many great demos to choose from and one may live just around the corner. I wouldn't give much worry to whether she's a member of SCS or not either.

I really am shocked...on behalf of all of us good demonstrators who truly value our customers, I am so sorry for what you've been put through! Consider us your stamping sisters if and when you do decide to join our fabulous family! :-)

basurok 11-18-2005 02:33 PM

I think your demo is lying. For the past 4 years, I've been what you call an obsessed customer. Throughout these 4 years, I've placed orders from 4 or more demos and never once waited as long as you have. Every order I've placed has been delivered to me within about 2 weeks. Time for you to consider becoming a hobby demo yourself or finding a new demo. I think it is pretty inconsiderate of your demo...if you purchased stamps and supplies planning to make Christmas cards back in September and haven't even gotten your stuff yet. I'd be hopping on my powerbroom!

Geribeari 11-19-2005 01:55 AM

Get a new Demo! ASAP There is no reason to wait that long.

joy3ce 11-19-2005 05:23 AM

Even though I am just going to repeat what everyone else has said, I had to comment. You are not impatient; you are being lied to. There could be many reasons a demonstrator might delay the order that long--none good! She may be waiting to put it in in the next quarter in order to make her minimum. Or waiting for an upcoming special for which she, not you, will get the benefits. Do change, and let us know how your new demo does! FYI: I put in the order for my last Saturday's workshop on Tuesday at 11pm, it shipped Wednesday before noon, and it was delivered to the hostess yesterday (Friday). So, if you don't like confrontation, you could just ask her sweetly what the tracking number is so you can watch its progress. If she says SU hasn't filled the order yet, you can sweetly ask what the order number is and say "why don't I call them and see what the problem is." Good luck!

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