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com4n6 08-03-2004 05:52 AM

Daisy set question
I love this set. I got it this weekend and put it together. I tried stamping with the large flower and I kept having problems getting the center of the flower to stamp well. Are there any hints to how to get this stamped well? the only inks I have are the spots and this is the largest stamp I have, but I know that there was ink on the image because when I turned over the stamp after stamping, there was still ink in the center part of the image.

Any help would be most appreciated, I love this set!!!!!!



addicted2stamps 08-03-2004 06:02 AM

Here are a couple of tips I use with larger stamps:

Once you ink up the stamp, put it wood side down on your table then put the cardstock on it and run your hand over it so that all areas get on your paper. This one works well with the background stamps but might be hard for you to position a smaller stamp.

One simple way is just to stand up when you are stamping it and really push on the stamp, especially the middle. That adds just a little bit more pressure and helps.

Finally, once you set the stamp down run the heel of your hand up and down the stamp a couple of times, that really makes sure all areas get pressure and get to the paper.

I had the same problem when I first used stipple butterful but after I played with it it a little I got it to do well every time. It's just a matter of learning what works for you, where to push and practice!

com4n6 08-03-2004 06:39 AM

Thank you!!! I will try all these suggestions! I just think this stamp set makes some really pretty cards, now I just have to deal with operator error! :wink:

PrincessAmbrosia61 08-03-2004 10:11 AM

My upline told me that if you are having problems with inks adhering to the stamps to stamp once in versamark first and then stamp into the ink. I haven't tried it, just passing along a tip.

Naskarr94 08-03-2004 11:37 AM

It might also be the table surface you are using. I bought a table to use in my stamping room and it flexes just a little bit if you push on it. I have since bought a think wood chopping block and use that on the table to get good stamp impressions.


com4n6 08-04-2004 05:25 AM

naskarr94, that is a good tip. I know that my tables "give" a little when I push down. I will have to try the wood block. I have one already for when I do eyelets. Thanks for passing that along!

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