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-   -   Could you stop spending for a month?? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/could-you-stop-spending-month-232816/)

Frenchy 03-15-2007 08:15 AM

Could you stop spending for a month??

I saw this article yesterday. I think it sounds like an amazing idea. I KNOW I spend too much on things that aren't necessary (eating out, stamps, etc.) and since I'm single, I don't have a "checks and balances" system to rein me in. LOL! I'm pretty good about keeping money in savings and living within my means because I was SO broke right after I got divorced. But, I know I spend too much, too. So, I'm going to try this next month. Anyone else interested in joining me?? We could set up a post in family matters (I guess that would be a good place since it's kind of a support group/financial matter) to check in with each other and offer support.

SophieLaFontaine 03-15-2007 09:06 AM

Gah! *askance look* But...I wouldn't be able to BUY anything I wanted! For a MONTH! But that IS a neat article!

jent 03-15-2007 09:07 AM

Hmmmmm.. just wondering did my husband put up to to this challenge?

I too have been thinking I need to at least slow down, afterall a month is a
l o n g time!!!!!!

Thanks for the reinforcement!!!!!!

MWDStamp 03-15-2007 09:26 AM

I have given up buying stamping/crafting stuff for awhile. I have way too much stuff and I am not doing anything with it. I'm not addicted to stamping, I am addicted to buying stuff for stamping! I am going to stay out of the stores and away from all those nasty enabler threads. I have more than enough stamps, paper, ink, punches, etc to keep myself busy for a long time. The reason for doing it, although my DH will be pleased that I'm not buying, was I realized how many stamp sets I had that had never seen ink. It was either start using the stuff or sell it. So, now I keep myself busy creating!

mlehmer 03-15-2007 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by MWDStamp
I have given up buying stamping/crafting stuff for awhile. I have way too much stuff and I am not doing anything with it. I'm not addicted to stamping, I am addicted to buying stuff for stamping! I am going to stay out of the stores and away from all those nasty enabler threads. I have more than enough stamps, paper, ink, punches, etc to keep myself busy for a long time. The reason for doing it, although my DH will be pleased that I'm not buying, was I realized how many stamp sets I had that had never seen ink. It was either start using the stuff or sell it. So, now I keep myself busy creating!

This is me! I was going to try "no spending money on stamp stuff" this month but fell off the wagon. I ,too, have enough stuff to keep me going for awhile and my biggest downfall is reading all those "enabler" threads. I am going to start fresh in April and see if I can do it!

Tah Dah! 03-15-2007 09:42 AM

I read that article yesterday, and it's been burning in my mind ever since. Of course it didn't stop me from heading to the grocery store this morning and throwing in a few definitely-not-necessary items. I do have a certain amount set aside for crafty goodies - some may not consider it a necessity, but I find my sanity to be priceless :) I really do need to be a better steward with our finances, though, and I think we're going to do this "experiment" in April.

Paula O. 03-15-2007 09:44 AM

I could easily not buy stamping supplies for a month.

I read "Not Buying It" last week. It was not inspiring--there were waaaaay too many political digressions. I wanted more about her not buying, about deciding what is necessary and what isn't. That would be the stumbling block for me--what do I need to live. I eat lunch at my work cafeteria--is that a necessity? I eat popcorn several nights a week--is that a necessity?

Maybe we should just do a month of "no spending money on crafts."

Annek 03-15-2007 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Paula O.
I could easily not buy stamping supplies for a month.

I read "Not Buying It" last week. It was not inspiring--there were waaaaay too many political digressions. I wanted more about her not buying, about deciding what is necessary and what isn't. That would be the stumbling block for me--what do I need to live. I eat lunch at my work cafeteria--is that a necessity? I eat popcorn several nights a week--is that a necessity?

Maybe we should just do a month of "no spending money on crafts."

That's the name of the book! Duh - I posted the wrong title in the other 'not spending' thread. I skip over a lot the political & ancient historical reference digressions - too boring. Yep, I want more real time not buying information.

:-) Anne

MadameCraftyPants 03-15-2007 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by MWDStamp
I'm not addicted to stamping, I am addicted to buying stuff for stamping!

This speaks for me, big time.

I keep looking for "use your stash" challenges or inspiration for things I already have. But I come here and "enabler alert!" or "have you seen..." or "where can I find..." topics pop up on my screen and, you know, I'm weak. I have to look.

I just have lust in my heart for new stamping goodies.

A no-spending month just might be a wonderful thing.

mcschmidty 03-15-2007 09:56 AM

Grrrrrrrrrrrr I wonder if my husband has read this- sounds like him. He never says anything, but I know it drives him crazy- we could save so much money!!! I cannot drive by a Michael's or Joann if I have a coupon- hahahahaha. I know others are the same way. If I stay home, I do not spend too much $$$ If I am out-lookout!

I am trying not to order stamps too much either- if I made a list of all of the stamp sets I HAD to have that I have NEVER even used! UGGGGHHH

Next year, we have twins that are going to college- I will have to cut back big time + will not be able to visit Splitcoast as much either (Boo Hoo).

Great thread......


glenda s 03-15-2007 10:59 AM

Wouldn't this be bad for the economy?


stampwithdiane 03-15-2007 11:09 AM

If you're thinking of starting in April then you can count me in. It would be good for me to go without fast food and gossip magazines for a month (or six- LOL!). And I have enough stamp toys right now to keep me going personally, as long as I can get the supplies I need for my business, which I would consider a necessity anyway.

saltycatco 03-15-2007 11:16 AM

I'd be interested. I spend WAY too much on craft supplies. That is probably my biggest weakness. I eat lunch at my desk every day and rarely shop for clothing. But I do think I could give up buying crafts for a whole month.

As for what's a neccessity, the article said they let every person decide for themselves. For me, one night of Mexican food would be a neccessity so I don't have to cook! LOL! :-)

apigonfire 03-15-2007 01:49 PM

I'm in Frenchy!!! I'm a single girl too so, I'm all about buying stuff for me! In fact, I'm off on track break (I teach, track break is summer break throughout the year) and I've SPENT way too much money! I am SOOOOOO about this! :)
Anyways - pm me if you are doing this. I'll need a buddy to talk to when I'm thinking about spending money! LOL

imataloss 03-15-2007 03:57 PM

I wonder if I could do it. I'd be willing to give it a shot. Just think of the enormous amount of money I'd have come May first!! I like the idea. TFS

imataloss 03-15-2007 04:00 PM

My DH said he would do this too and I could have all the money he saves.....now THAT'S incentive!!!!

Shanon 03-15-2007 04:04 PM

I just read the article and I think it sounds very interesting. I will have to try it!!!!

Wheeless 03-15-2007 04:11 PM

Been there done that! My husband was out of work for seven months! We have four kids who eat their weight in cereal and milk! I went months without spending a dime on anything. Stopped getting my nails done, my hair dyed, my clothes cleaned at the dry cleaner, fired my housekeeper, shoveled the snow myself, never ate out! I stopped taking all prescription meds and nobody went to the doctor or the dentist.

I didn't even spend (my money) on stamps. Thank goodness for overrides and commission otherwise, I would have missed out on so much stuff and been out of all my stamping supplies.

He's working now, but things are still tight. So I am still living like I can't spend a dime.


mytime 03-15-2007 04:21 PM

Could I -yes If I ABSOLUTELY had to. You would also have to take away my computer cause that is where I shop!
Will I NO! :mrgreen: Maybe someday. I have gotten ALOT better but then had a relapse last week and a half. Tax time always puts me in check.

Aimee30 03-15-2007 05:36 PM

I made it 15 days but then I say the new butterfly set from papertrey.... and then I got in on an awesome prima share.... now I just need to sit on my hands for the rest of the month.

glitterdovefairy 03-15-2007 05:38 PM

I definately need to do this. For a few months now I have been writing down every dime that gets spent. I have seen where the unneeded spending is and now is time to do something about it. Kidlet needs braces and that is a tough thing to save for. I actually realized if I put my DH and I on Nutrisystem and only by food for the kidlet we would be saving a lot on food. So I will do that and this together.

lgulotta 03-16-2007 05:40 AM

One month is not really a very long time, yet I have not been able to withhold spending on crafts for a month yet! What has helped me some is deleting those emails about specials before reading them, and not opening the threads to do with deals/enabler alerts. So I can get the spending down, but have never totally eliminated it, even for a measly 30 days. My paper route is my crafting spending money, so I do have it to spend, but it could definitely go towards other family needs, honestly.

Still left this month is a CTMH order to get the buy 2, get one free special and a final TAC Jubilee order. Maybe I'll abstain in April...

Joan B 03-16-2007 05:52 AM

Well, about 4 years ago we needed to put an addition on our house to accommodate my Mom. We wanted to save up as much cash as possible while waiting for the architect to finish the design and for construction to begin. We did not do anything near as drastic as Wheeless described above, but I cut out almost all craft spending, we stopped eating out, cut out summer vacation, etc.

I won't even admit how much we saved but it was a lot!!

DisneyDoll 03-16-2007 06:18 AM

Other than the fact that I'm in a monthly stamp club......YES! The only problem? Wouldn't be able to visit SCS during that month so as to avoid seeing a card using something that I simply MUST have!

Or any post from http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...lirtyeyess.gifAmyR http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...irtyeyess2.gif(aka AmyEnablaBella!)

Annek 03-16-2007 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by DisneyDoll
Other than the fact that I'm in a monthly stamp club......YES! The only problem? Wouldn't be able to visit SCS during that month so as to avoid seeing a card using something that I simply MUST have!

Or any post from http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...lirtyeyess.gifAmyR http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...irtyeyess2.gif(aka AmyEnablaBella!)

Exactly! I would have to stop reading (GASP!) blogs by Julie, Amy, Joan..........the list goes on! I could probaby not spend for a month, I am sure I could take that challenge, but would have to reward myself sometime! ha ha

:-) Anne

Annek 03-16-2007 07:14 AM

Of course, reading the second line of my signature, I am not really assisting the cause of not spending am I?

:twisted: :mrgreen:

:-) Anne

Frenchy 03-16-2007 07:14 AM

But, since you make the rules you could reward yourself once in a while if that's what you choose to do!

pattyb 03-16-2007 07:49 AM

YIKES!!! I printed the article, but I don't know if I could do this!

plwwolfe 03-16-2007 07:57 AM

I could maybe try this in April. I certainly have enough stuff to tide me over for a month, but I'm not sure I want to. I did just order some fun stuff online this morning, so maybe that would be my fix for a while.

I would love to try, just not sure if I could actually do it. :(

jenstampsA 03-16-2007 08:16 AM

I too have enough stuff to last me a long time but how do you pass up all the new stuff??? I was able to stop buying for 6 weeks this past January - of course I was in the hospital for a week and it took 5 weeks to recover. That first week I felt up to shopping I think I made up for it.

Wine4me 03-16-2007 09:12 AM

I'd LOVE to do this. Last summer I vowed to stay out of AC Moore and Michaels for the entire summer. I did really well until the back to school shopping started mid August...then I fell off the wagon and was hooked for the rest of the year (with the holidays and all). Count me in, if you decide to have a support group. I'm sure I could use (and maybe even offer) a few suggestions/challenges to use the stuff I already have.

Pegasong 03-16-2007 09:55 AM

I think I'd like to try this as well. Spoiler alerts don't usually pull me in except for the 2 bellas I bought. :)

It will be tough to keep but we (my 2 kids and I) will try. The hardest part will be fitting it with our schedule.

look-inkgood 03-16-2007 09:57 AM

I would like to be noble and say, *Yes - I can do it!* But I would weaken and cave! Easter is coming...Then Mother's Day...Then Father's Day...Then the 4th..Ask me again in August when there are no holidays! LOL!

YouInkIt 03-16-2007 11:53 AM

I did this back in college. I had discovered stamping in high school, but left all my stuff at home when I came to college and told myself that I would not do any crafting until I had my degree - oh, and by-the-way, I had not discovered Splitcost yet (not sure if I could have done this if I had).]

Anyway, I was able to not spend a dime on extra stuff by just not going to any stores at all except for groceries/tolietries. And, I went to those stores during the busy hours and I would make it a game with myself to run around and buy only what was on my list and time myself on how fast I could get out. It sounds kinda funny when I talk about it now, but it worked back then!

ccarol 03-16-2007 12:36 PM

I know I can't do this ----
I have challenged myself numerous times to go a month without spending on my hobbies, since I already have tons of stuff to play with. My best record was 2 weeks and then I more than made up for what I hadn't spent. We pay our credit cards off every month, and we like the cash back option of Discover, so we funnel all of the expenses we can through this one card - gas, groceries, eating out, etc. My DH teases that if Discover doesn't hear from me at least once a day, they'd think I was dead! LOL!


Cindygrammy2 03-16-2007 12:44 PM

I can sum this up in two words "No Way"
Thanks for asking though

stampinsweeney 03-16-2007 01:11 PM

DH and I really liked this book and need to get it back out of the library to do more with it. We have assessed our finances and implemented a few of the ideas from the book. It is an EASY read. It WON'T make you rich, but it will help to put your finances better in balance. Something that works over time. Basically, it breaks done your expenses into their categories: 50% or less of your income "must-haves" (not STAMPS...lol...mortgage/rent,utilities, college loans, phone bills...things you HAVE to pay every month); 30% Wants (where stamps, eating out, pop, junk food, fun toys, manicure, massage and other such items fit in) and 20% should go directly into savings.

The book elaborates more on the finite details saying that you maybe at a point where you can only handle 70/20/10 or 70/15/5, but over time there are ways you can trim to work it the way you want it. They are not believers in cold turkey approaches, which tend to cause people, in general, to splurge more later or get frustrated and quit trying.

The book is called All Your Worth:The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan by Elizabeth Warren. It is a collaborative mom/daughter plan. Both of which who are financial professionals.

BTW, I get no endorsements for this! lol. It was a book in another MSN Money article that DH forwarded me at work one day. He likes to keep up on what we can do to make our financial life a little bit easier and enjoy what we have while we can.

Sorry, not trying to ruin your great idea! Just wanted to share something that we are finding to be comfortable and workable. To answer your original post, I don't think I could stop spending for a month. I would be pretty miserable. I can scale down A LOT, but my once a month trip to a place where I can get a frozen, gourmet coffee delight could not be skipped. That or a $1 Michael's stamp!!! :)

Penascodragonfly 03-16-2007 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by MWDStamp
I have given up buying stamping/crafting stuff for awhile. I have way too much stuff and I am not doing anything with it. I'm not addicted to stamping, I am addicted to buying stuff for stamping! I am going to stay out of the stores and away from all those nasty enabler threads. I have more than enough stamps, paper, ink, punches, etc to keep myself busy for a long time. The reason for doing it, although my DH will be pleased that I'm not buying, was I realized how many stamp sets I had that had never seen ink. It was either start using the stuff or sell it. So, now I keep myself busy creating!

I too am addicted to buying the stuff to have ETC. ETC. Then I found this site and I am beginning to hear rumblings of ...you've got ALL THIS STUFF and now you're not using it.:eek: However, I'm not gonna get of the computer, I'm just gonna have to find more time to stamp. I would love to have more paper, but....I'd better not.

jaxma 03-16-2007 01:20 PM

This thread has inspired me!
I'm going to try to spend NO money in April on crafts. I have enough in my inventory to keep me happy!

mcschmidty 03-16-2007 01:55 PM

I read this thread and thought it was a great idea. I had decided to give it a try. If I never leave the house it will work- I flunked today- I will try again starting tomorrow.

I went to the store to get groceries and a few misc things- I have no self control- I throw things in the cart that I do not really need.

I have a stamp camp to go to tomorrow-and it is the first one I have been to this year....... I will start on Sunday....... Please God, give me strength.

How do you control yourself when you are in the grocery store (which, by the way is right next store to Joann fabrics!!! How is that for torture???)


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