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Lorri.V. 04-26-2009 09:01 PM

Cardstock dilemma (smoking smell)
I just did a trade and received alot of packages of cardstock from a home that smokes. I don't know why I did not think to ask before I made the trade but now I am stuck with it. Do any of you have a solution as to how I can get the odour out of the cardstock or do I just give up and donate it all. I can't think how to word another trade with smoking cardmakers to get cardstock that was not from their home. This has been such a disappointment for me and truly my own fault for buying the item I then wanted to trade for and now I am stuck with cardstock I would not use. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


glitterdovefairy 04-26-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lorri.V. (Post 13878143)
I just did a trade and received alot of packages of cardstock from a home that smokes. I don't know why I did not think to ask before I made the trade but now I am stuck with it. Do any of you have a solution as to how I can get the odour out of the cardstock or do I just give up and donate it all. I can't think how to word another trade with smoking cardmakers to get cardstock that was not from their home. This has been such a disappointment for me and truly my own fault for buying the item I then wanted to trade for and now I am stuck with cardstock I would not use. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I have been through this. If you have a gargage or outdoor area that doesn't get wet lay dryer sheets about every 10 sheets in a stack and let them sit a couple days. The smell will go away.

FallnPetal 04-26-2009 09:26 PM

This works well on projects as well, put in a baggie, or sealable bag of some kind and dryer sheets. I've had to do this with recipe cards from a yahoo swap. One came in the mail box and reeked the minute I pulled it out but after about a week, the smell was gone. It may leave a light aroma from the dryer sheet but hopefully that is better than the cigarette smell.

Lorri.V. 04-26-2009 10:17 PM

Thank you for the ideas, I need to go out and get dryer sheets tomorrow and try, I have nothing to loose at this point.


row4d 04-26-2009 10:21 PM

Baking soda (after all, you use it for the same purpose in your fridge, right? ;)) and/or crumpled newsprint also work, and leave no residual perfume scent. :)

AmyR 04-26-2009 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by row4d (Post 13878333)
Baking soda (after all, you use it for the same purpose in your fridge, right? ;)) and/or crumpled newsprint also work, and leave no residual perfume scent. :)

I second that. And if you've got a large sealable container like a rubbermaid tote (or whatever is large enough) to put it all in that will help the soda/newsprint absorb the cigarette smell faster.

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