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-   -   Can't stop spending $$$! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/cant-stop-spending-%24%24%24-18543/)

shaunagroff 12-01-2004 08:21 AM

Can't stop spending $$$!
I can't control myself lately! I just keep buying stamping stuff! If my husband knew how much I've spent in the last 2.5 months, I think he'd kill me. I was in search of a new hobby, but I never expected it to become such an obsession! I wish that I could control my impulses little better, though. Hopefully it's worse during the "start-up" period. Now that I have an established collection of stamps and tools, maybe the spending curve can start going down...

chrissymurray2000 12-01-2004 08:23 AM

the spending doesn't wind down, unfortunately! I've been a SU demo for 5 years and I have a ton of stuff!!

TamMill 12-01-2004 08:28 AM

same here....I've spent SOOO much in the past couple months---my dh will have a coronary if he ever finds out! :shock: *LOL*

I didn't think I'd become so addicted to stamping....I just love it! And of course, I just love being an SU demo right now too.......just ordered my SAB sets!

MICHELLE WOODERSON 12-01-2004 08:29 AM

Shauna, sorry to inform you but it just gets worse (or better as some of us see it!). And this is definitely a website that will only make your obsession worse once you see all the great projects posted (or better as some of us see it!).

Welcome to our world baby....."cult for women" as my husband calls it. You may enter but you may never leave........... :lol: :twisted: :shock:

whittika 12-01-2004 08:34 AM

Welcome to the additicion.. :lol: You may want to justify your stamping collection as mental health therapy for the long winter months that you endure in PA.. I have a shot at more stamps than you as I am further up north... Upstate NY has 5 months of winter doldrums BUT that keeps us inside being creative with stamps! I know the feeling of not being able to control my spending on stamp stuff... I just hope all my family members like thier STAMPED christmas gifts...Not sure what I am going to stamp yet to give away ... but I'm sure each card and gift has a dollar value of at least $250.00! OH well... Happy spending! :wink:

scrappinchick 12-01-2004 08:34 AM

oh, how i have become a "master" at hiding new stuff!! lol And i even switched to a bigger purse, to hide stuff as i come in the door!!! :oops: :oops: :lol:
I have found that it doesnt get better...i thought it would!! i thought after the first initial investment of getting all the "necessary" stuff.....that it would die off....NOT!! lol
I am not a demo...but i buy from SU mostly...and i am in HL at least 2x a week...so bad, i know!! lol

Vickie Y 12-01-2004 08:41 AM

This obsession is "so bad" guess what my 4 grandkids (ages 7 months - 7 years old) are getting for Christmas...after my shopping spree yesterday, they will find under their tree: 5 Xyron permanent adhesive refills and 3 mono adhesives from Joann.com; a ton of Viking mono adhesive refills, and a rather large SU order! I can't wait to see their little faces light up! Then, grandma will gather them around and invite them to play "let's go stamp"! I can hardly wait! LOL


tmarie 12-01-2004 09:01 AM

I can relate. Between buying SU and visiting Archiver's I could probably open up a little stamping/scrapbooking store right in my stamp room! :shock:

My favorite line for my DH is..."this ol' thing"! :D

If you are trying not to spend money...then stay away...far away...from this site! The gallery just screams YOU NEED THIS!

AngFab 12-01-2004 09:16 AM

LOL! I'm a demo for only one and a half years - I think my stuff has somehow quadrupled in that time!! Never mind the trips to Archivers too! :roll: I'm on this kick where I collect idea books...whatever! Like I don't print enough ideas from SCS to copy!

My DH's favorite thing to comment on any cards I make, is "Is that the lastest $75 greeting card???" And when I talk about how I have "earned" a free set, he says "FREE? FREE? Define FREE!" (Guess he could be right... :oops: I was shocked to see my own total spent...)

Anyhow - if you must be addicted to something, this is relatively harmless, and TONS OF FUN!! I say, just enjoy it!

Angela Bounds 12-01-2004 09:19 AM

OK it totally gets worse. I love love love this site! But everytime I read something new I have to have it. Seriously, I obsess till I get it! :shock:

I just ran to Target to buy out those cure popcorn containers talked about earlier on this site. I bought 10, because that was the number left on the shelf!!! I have plans to 2, but not 10...... :oops:

Sorry I can't give youe comfort, but know that you won't be alone!!!!

sahm_i_am 12-01-2004 09:26 AM

How does that song go?....

"we are all just prisoners here of our own device" -

This may not be Hotel California, but I'd take a room at Hotel SCS anyday! Even if it does cost a small fortune in 'devices'.

Oh, that reminds me... is everyone up on their PayPal donation? All you newbies? Go donate to better serve your addiction!!!

janicemarz 12-01-2004 10:00 AM

its an addiction...
i can't stop either...i love it though!!!!

Yami 12-01-2004 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by AngFab
My DH's favorite thing to comment on any cards I make, is "Is that the lastest $75 greeting card???" And when I talk about how I have "earned" a free set, he says "FREE? FREE? Define FREE!" (Guess he could be right... :oops: I was shocked to see my own total spent...)

OMG!!! There are actually more out there like my DH!?!?!?! AAAHHHHH! It's not possible!!!! ROTFL :lol: :lol: :lol:

That sounds EXACTLY like something my DH would say. And I've only been a demo a couple of months :D

And this site is addicting--why do you think I broke down and bought loads of love last week when I can't even demo it (unless it makes the new catty?) I currently have 4 sets of stamps to mount and I'm trying to get on to SU to order 2 more SAB sets. Oh, this addiction is driving me crazy.

The worst part is, my DH's side of the family draws for Christmas presents. My BIL has me. I really want a bunch of stuff from the catty, but I'm the only one who can order? So, I'm going to think outside my comfort zone and ask for DVDs and CDs instead. I even thought about asking for sizzix dies, but there's nothing out there I want that I don't already have :cry: Ah, such is the life.

Wonder why they call me spoiled :D


janicemarz 12-01-2004 10:13 AM

I am spoiled too...
my dh always reminds me that he could probably find a cheaper card at hallmark..the nerve!!..or after i finish stamping..he will say well how much did that cost me???

AngFab 12-01-2004 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by jenbish

Originally Posted by AngFab
My DH's favorite thing to comment on any cards I make, is "Is that the lastest $75 greeting card???" And when I talk about how I have "earned" a free set, he says "FREE? FREE? Define FREE!" (Guess he could be right... :oops: I was shocked to see my own total spent...)

OMG!!! There are actually more out there like my DH!?!?!?! AAAHHHHH! It's not possible!!!! ROTFL :lol: :lol: :lol:

That sounds EXACTLY like something my DH would say. And I've only been a demo a couple of months :D

And this site is addicting--why do you think I broke down and bought loads of love last week when I can't even demo it (unless it makes the new catty?) I currently have 4 sets of stamps to mount and I'm trying to get on to SU to order 2 more SAB sets. Oh, this addiction is driving me crazy.

The worst part is, my DH's side of the family draws for Christmas presents. My BIL has me. I really want a bunch of stuff from the catty, but I'm the only one who can order? So, I'm going to think outside my comfort zone and ask for DVDs and CDs instead. I even thought about asking for sizzix dies, but there's nothing out there I want that I don't already have :cry: Ah, such is the life.

Wonder why they call me spoiled :D


HEE HEE! It's an even trade off at my house! My hubby is hooked on XBox and into paintball PLUS he collects sports and movie memorabillia (sp?) so whenever I complain about any of that he says "Come here, I have to SHOW you something..." and of course he leads me to the spare room where my stuff is literally overflowing into the hallway! :oops:

On an unrelated note - Loads of Love just HAS TO HAS TO be in the catty next year! I just bought it too - (darn SCS ladies w/their Fabulous samples in the gallery :wink: ) ... I have it on the "retired, don't use it" shelf, but It's gonna be HARD! Might make some li'l cards for friends who don't stamp...

P.S. I didn't dare ask for Stampin' Up! for Christmas this year either! Santa might bring me some stuff though! :wink:

photocropper 12-01-2004 10:17 AM

This all sounds just like me! I love to "COLLECT" things. I decided this morning that I was going to be a good girl and not go to walmart and buy the ornaments that I want to try - I did not I just made a deal with myself that if I could just TRY stamping on those tiles first then I could TRY the ornaments.
I have been "collecting" stamping stuff for a year and a half now and I have so much that if I sold it all I could eat for a year! Well ok maybe not a year but close to it!!

I am going to have to leave the computer turned off at least one day a week just to get the laundry done - time and money seem to be sucked away when I enter this site!!!!

stampcrazygirl 12-01-2004 10:25 AM

It does stop...once your credit cards are to the max! :oops:

I've been pretty good lately....I'm a demo and haven't ordered anything since July (except for the monthly $15 that I have to spend for my upline's Stamper Ten that I joined to get my fix...and I've stuck to the $15 within a few $). I've stopped going to Michael's and Hobby Lobby.

As others have said...this place will only fuel that fire, so get out quick while you can if you can't spend another dime! (although I don't think you will be able to leave...being a part of this site is an addiction in itself!)

janicemarz 12-01-2004 10:25 AM

isn't that the truth!!
i always see a sample or something that i like..and then i have to have the set and everything to make the card..

rlrinche 12-01-2004 10:25 AM

This is SO funny... we must have husband that are related! My DH will say "If your going to use it, its okay" but now its like "More STAMPS"... but now he is tired of seeing all my 'supplies' around that he is planning to make me a work station in our spare room.. yippi!!!! :D

codepink 12-01-2004 10:29 AM

When I first started, my DH was a little shocked, but I just explained that I could be spending the money on getting a one-time high, but with stamping, I get a high evertime I create something! He's the one who came up with my slogan - Stamping, the antidrug!

janicemarz 12-01-2004 10:30 AM

they are definitely related...
My hubby broke bad and gave me the second bedroom ...as if that wasn't enough...he also built an additional closet for me...to put my stuff in......it sorta stinks because he knows how much stuff i have..and he was blown away by the amount that has accumulated over the 3 1/2 years i have been doing it!!!

janicemarz 12-01-2004 10:39 AM

i get it too..
I get that high every SINGLE time i buy something related to stamping!!!! It just feels so GOOD!

AngFab 12-01-2004 10:41 AM

My DH has ulterior motives. He has figured out the secret, which is:

If she's stampin' then she's not naggin' me!

qcbetty 12-01-2004 10:46 AM

I use beer math to justify purchases......as in "how much have you spent on beer this year, honey"........works every time!!!


stampin_melissa 12-01-2004 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by sahm_i_am
Even if it does cost a small fortune in 'devices'.

OMG! There was no spew alert! My poor computer screen! LOL!

Okay, I picked up my mind and gave it a good talkin' to! :oops: I knew what you meant, really I did. :shock:


photocropper 12-01-2004 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by AngFab
My DH has ulterior motives. He has figured out the secret, which is:

If she's stampin' then she's not naggin' me!

LOL!! that is so true - except for when I stamp or crop the kids are right there buggin me and I am nagging him to get them away before something gets messed up!!

I spend way too much time trying to find more things to spend money on!! I need to take some lessons to learn more self control!!

Charmed 12-01-2004 11:41 AM

I guess I am lucky in that David understands, so long as I stay in budget, and keep my workspace organized enough so that when we have guests, it dosent look like a hurricane just blew through!

As far as 'budget' goes, I get an X amount every month to spend on what ever I like - clothes, chocolate, stamps - not necessairly in that order! I dont work, so I do have to stick within my 'budget'. Usually isnt too hard, except with SAB - I want them all!!!

shellypasek 12-01-2004 11:47 AM

My DH has fits too and I just remind him of our garage and the the good car that is being parked OUTSIDE so that he can have his hobby in BOTH stalls...DH and DS do demolition cars...First we buy a car, then tear everything out of it, refill it with steel (which is not cheap) buy a motor for it (that isn't usually included in the intial cost), lots of tires because they tend to burst on impact, pay entry fees, and smash the living daylights out of it so we can haul it off to the junk yard and start all over!!! :shock: And that doesn't count the welder, tools, ect. that he has to use to build the car!! So I just remind him that when I am done with my cards or whatever I still have my stamps :D He usually doesn't say too much now. I figure we are about even when it comes to spending :oops:

mama2ajjc 12-01-2004 12:05 PM

Hmmm... interesting! I have been a demo for almost 6 years and I, too, recently relealized that I have been spending way more than I ever have in the past! I'd say it started happening around the time I found this site!!!!
Stacy Ü (IL.)

stimchack 12-01-2004 12:35 PM

That is one of the reasons I decided to be a demo. Heck, if I was going to buy supplies from SU, I might as well receive a discount plus all the extra goodies Stampin' Up! has to offer being a demo! Also, tip #1 being a demo....get your own bank account with no link to your husband!!!!! LOL

Susan Welcome to our world baby! :lol:

janicemarz 12-01-2004 12:41 PM

you got that right...
my stampin up stuff comes out of an account...that doesn't cross his path!!!!

sharp_vt 12-02-2004 01:26 AM

My DH changes his perspective frequently. Sometimes he is very supportive - he has done web searches to find stuff for me, given me gift certificates to our local stamp store, looked in ebay for cool stamp sets, and I think some sort of stamp organizer is in the works from Santa. But then, when he is feeling crotchety he asks me to total up how much I have spent so far (I just started late in August) :evil: I refuse to do it - why the heck should I give him ammunition?!? And, of course, I am absolutely terrified to learn the total spent so far - it must be immense! :oops: I just fed the habit and went out to stampnmadness.com and bought a 24 set of the 5 oz. Twinkling H2O's. I should start to have stuff shipped to work so that I can hide it when I bring it home.

Twiz 12-02-2004 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by AngFab
My DH has ulterior motives. He has figured out the secret, which is:

If she's stampin' then she's not naggin' me!

I had to laugh at this my husbands saying is "Oh boys Mom got another box of piece and quiet " meaning I wont be upstairs to bother them for awhile because I will be in the basement with my lastest shipment of goodies

lakegrandma 12-02-2004 03:36 AM

When I went to my first SU! workshop the demo stated that the first card costs $600 then the rest are free -- RIGHT. That was in 1999 and a few $1000 later, I have the cost of each card down to maybe $450. Now that I spend so much time on SCS and see all the must haves I guess the price of each card is going back up.

I tell my DH that this is cheaper than diamonds, trips, new cars and other expensive things. He is impressed when I give him a special card and loves the cards and things I make for his family and is financing the 4 6 x 6 albums I am making his children for Christmas. He even had to buy me a new Lexmark all-in-one because the one I bought in July got zapped by lightening.

JanTInk 12-02-2004 05:39 AM

I love the Eagles! Let's adapt that song!

Splitcoast Stampin' Forum

In a brightly lit stamp store
Cool AC in my hair
Lift a stamp to look at it
And I know that I'm there
I just have to have it
I'll try to make stuff
But it may just go in my collection
Of which there's never enough!
Up ahead in the distance
I saw another design
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to make that stamp mine!
I come home with my new stamps
But my mind goes to gray
So I get on the computer
And you show me the way!

Welcome to the Splitcoast Stampin' Forum!
Such a lovely place!
Such a lovely place!
Plenty of fun in the Splitcoast Stampin' Forum!
Any time of year
You will find us here!

Our minds are definitely twisted!
'Cause we got stamps on the brain.
We got lots of pretty, pretty stamps
From buying we can't refrain.
How we stamp all our cares away
Sweet inky sweat!
Some stamp to remember
Others stamp to forget.
So I PM to Jen Balcer
"Please help me post my card!"
And she says, "This is how you do it
It's really not that hard!"
And still those voices keep calling from far away
They want dinner, laundry, snacks
But I can't hear what they say...

Welcome to the Splitcoast Stampin' Forum!
Such a lovely place!
Such a lovely place!
Livin' it up in the Splitcoast Stampin' Forum!
What a nice surprise
While your craft ink dries!

Stamps on every table
Stamps of every price
We are all just prisoners here
Of our own device
It doesn't matter where we get them
Because we love 'em all!
We keep on stampin'
'Cause we're having such a ball!
Last thing I remember
Was sitting down and reading some more
I had to get back to that beautiful card
In the gallery I was before!
"Just relax!" says Beate
"We are programmed to receive.
You can post as many cards as you want
But you can never leave!"

Welcome to the Splitcoast Stampin' Forum!
Such a lovely place!
Such a lovely place!
You won't save money on the Splitcoast Stampin' Forum!
Every stamp you eye
You will have to buy!

jul80566 12-02-2004 06:47 AM

I'v been a demo for 1 1/2 years and can't beleive the amount of stuff I'v collected. Of course I use every single thing all the time! LOL

Just when I think there is nothing else I 'need' I find an entire order form of goodies!

Good luck not spending every dime you have on SU.


Vickie Y 12-02-2004 06:57 AM

Oh JanTInk! I love your version of Hotel California!! You are so creative!

Thanks for sharing!

dorothy erdely 12-02-2004 07:08 AM


AngFab wrote:
My DH has ulterior motives. He has figured out the secret, which is:

If she's stampin' then she's not naggin' me!

HOW TRUE!!!!! my 15 yr. old son has actually said to me, "go stamp something mom, you're happier when you're stamping!!!!!!!!!"

Glitter_Girl 12-02-2004 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by AngFab

Originally Posted by jenbish

HEE HEE! It's an even trade off at my house! My hubby is hooked on XBox :

Oh my gosh! I am so glad my husband is not the only one! I was thinking of posting a thread to see how many DH's out there are addicted to XBOX!

It drives me nuts! But you are right...it's a good thing to throw at him when he complains about my Stampin' Habit. I mean...if he doesn't want me "nagging" then I need to spend $$$ on all this stamping stuff to stay quiet!


dorothy erdely 12-02-2004 07:16 AM

:lol: oh, jantink!!! you are an amazing writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you need to publish a book!!!! and we could all stamp the illustrations for you!!!!!!!!!!

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