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-   -   Calendar Help ! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/calendar-help-4427/)

madiegirl 07-24-2004 04:54 PM

Calendar Help !
Good Evening Everyone !

I was just wondering........

I'm looking to make a desktop calendar for some friends for Christmas. I want to make them 4x6 and stamp the top and have the calendar portion on the bottom. So the calendar part would only be about 2 1/2 by 5 1/2. I'm going to do one for every month.

Here's what I'm wondering..........

What program would I use to print a calendar that small. Has anyone printed them off and if so what do you recommend? I tried using the calendar program that came with my computer but they don't make them small enough.

If anyone out there has made these little calendars and could shed some light for me I would greatly appreciate it ! I'm trying to avoid having to start it from scratch myself.

Thanks everyone and i hope you're all enjoying your weekends !


scrapchic21 07-24-2004 04:57 PM

Thanks for posting that question because I'm wondering the same thing!

madiegirl 07-24-2004 05:24 PM

Great minds think alike Felicia !

I've been trying to draw up the month of January all day and I can't get everything to line up right. I've printed about twenty little calendars but I'm SO fussy about everything lining up right that I gave up hoping someone could help me by telling me which program they used or where I can buy them !

Crossing my fingers for some answers LOL!


StampLadyLaura 07-24-2004 05:35 PM

Calendar Help!
Hi Shelley and Felicia,

The best site I have found for printing calendars is


This is freeware and you can print a complete calendar year on one sheet of paper.

If you want to see how to make a CD calendar, go to

http://www. thestampingstudio.com/new/classes/class3.htm

Enjoy making your calendars.

Stamping dreams,

StampLadyLaura 07-24-2004 05:37 PM

Calendar Help!

the correct address is



madiegirl 07-24-2004 06:21 PM

Thank you SO much Laura ! I originally wanted the calendar portion bigger than you could fit on the page but once I printed one off to look at I like the size a lot better. Your suggestion of printing off the full year on one page is great ! I thought it would be too small but it's going to be perfect ! Thanks so much again for the link and for the suggestions !


STAMPATTACK 07-24-2004 06:47 PM

There are some great calendars in the gallery. If you go to gallery, click on anything but a card, type in the search cd calendar. There are a lot of cute ideas. I copied some of them. They are a great gift idea! :lol:

madiegirl 07-24-2004 07:50 PM

I browsed the gallery quickly and saw a few I really liked. I basically have it in my head what I want but am always looking for new ones so I will take a closer look there this weekend !

Thanks for tip!


nightscrapper 07-24-2004 07:53 PM

A few nights ago I was browsing the gallery and came across CD Calendars. I was in awe at the amazing work and how clever of an idea this was. Maybe you can get some wonderful ideas from there. There are far too many wonderful ideas. I think I was up till 5 a.m. checking them out.


madiegirl 07-25-2004 08:39 AM

Thanks you guys !

I will definitely be checking out the gallery and these Calendar CD's! I love this site ! Everyone is SO helpful !

Thanks again


Deb Johnson 07-25-2004 08:50 AM

Thank you so much for those 2 web sites. I think my stamp club will LOVE the calendar idea!!!

Sereikastamper 07-25-2004 10:49 AM

Thanks for the inspiration and the sites...I lost my entire favorites file not long ago and had lost the site with the freeware! Thanks for sharing!

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