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-   -   To buy or not to buy....that is the question. (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/buy-not-buy-question-15391/)

Angie Humphrey 11-05-2004 04:00 PM

To buy or not to buy....that is the question.
Ok, I placed an order last night. Today, I want more stuff after looking at some posts. It's all camsmom's fault for posting that challenge about commenting. I found things that I just must have. My DH says I can order. My friend just called and I told her my dilema. She said "Move away from the computer! Put the catalog down!" I never buy from the mini because you can only demo the stuff for so long. And I really try not to buy too many Christmas sets because they are so seasonal. But I want the Christmas sets from the mini this time. So Now I have to deal with stamp sets that i can only demo for a short amount of time that are seasonal and I don't know if they will show up in the new catty next year.

What do I do. Do I buy or not buy? I feel like I NEED these sets. I have the painted poinsettias. I want (uummm.. I mean I NEED... Holiday Tag TEam, Poinsettia, woodcut Holly and Swirling Stars Jumbo wheels and the Happiest of holidays. Then of cours I need to buy jumbo cartridges because all I have is Pink Passion. So I would at least need baroque burgundy, forest foliage, night of navy and probably bliss blue or something. Red too.

OOHHHH the agony!!!!

Angie Humphrey 11-05-2004 04:01 PM

Oh, and I can't forget that I need more paper to make these new cards. Bet I could come up with $150. Then I could get another hostess set and 15. Which means more paper.

Melissa 8791 11-05-2004 04:24 PM

Buy it all! :lol:


Jami 11-05-2004 04:25 PM

Do you have Loads of Love? Because I cannot see how you can live without Loads of Love!!!!!

heresrita 11-05-2004 04:26 PM


My DH says I can order.
Well, he said so, so do it. You must obey, ya know!

row4d 11-05-2004 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by heresrita

My DH says I can order.
Well, he said so, so do it. You must obey, ya know!

Hee! I can only hope my DB would be like that once he's my DH! :lol:

camsmom 11-05-2004 04:35 PM


It's all camsmom's fault for posting that challenge about commenting.
(*sigh* if only I got a kickback from SU!)

Seriously- I LOVE the Happiest of Holidays and wheels-I have Baroque Burgundy, Real Red, and Ballet Blue. I do think it is AWESOME!

Angie Humphrey 11-05-2004 04:39 PM

How could I have forgotten about Loads of Love!! I must have it too. I even showed my DH. He laughed but tried to act intrested.

Ok, I have to buy. I've been making a list (and checking it twice, teehee, I'm in the christmas spirit) I have to add loads of love to it.

Angie Humphrey 11-05-2004 04:40 PM

Oh, and BTW, thanks girls. I knew you would help me in such a desperate time of :lol: :D :D :lol: :lol:

Kymbers_Stampin 11-05-2004 04:42 PM

OMG ~ DH says you can buy...BUY WOMAN, BUY!!!!!! I wish I had a DH that would help me with my habit. Go for it, buy while you can and give hubby a big kiss for supporting you.

mycattracks 11-05-2004 04:49 PM

when in doubt you must go all out :wink:

11-05-2004 05:01 PM

Definately buy!! Some of those sets will make it into the catalog so it won't be so bad. I have a large order going in for myself that are mostly sets from the mini as well so you are not alone!!

MSBetsyZ 11-05-2004 05:07 PM


Since I've heard that sets with wheels tend to make it into the next catalog, I felt very comfortable buying Happies of Holidays and ALL of the wheels, lol! I'm havin' a guilt-free blast! (and my dh didn't even say "buy..."



mommakate 11-05-2004 05:24 PM

OK - here - this is from a NON-fellow demo (demo wanna be perhaps!) and this is what I have to say.

BUY! IF it doesn't make it to the next catty - at a hostess apreciation night or someonther function offer it in a "specials Box" and see what happens if you feel like you ahve to "dump them" The delta of what you paid vice what you sell fi for is a "loss" for your business.

I know for me personally - My budget ran dry and even having done a show this month I was out of money to buy Loads of Love and would be Happy to buy if from you if its not in the next catty and you decide to dump it!!!!

Trust me - any of those that don't make it to the next catty Can be EASILY sold!

So - from a non-demo - hubby's pocket/checkbook now closed for the holidays gal - I say if Hubby says FINE BUY - THEN BUY BUY BUY!

You can always SELL SELL SELL later! (and yes I'm in the front of the line - file this post away for July!!!)



JAMom 11-05-2004 05:34 PM

Who are you kidding -- You NEED that stuff!!


MICHELLE WOODERSON 11-05-2004 06:15 PM

You must be PMS-ing again......purchasing more stamps!!! Go for it, girl!!!!!!!

mericat 11-05-2004 06:39 PM

I am a new demonstrator and didn't know that sometimes the mini catalog sets make it into the next catalog. Very interesting and answers a question that just bugged me for the past couple of days: in the brand new collector's 2005 catalog, they feature Happiest of Holidays, Yuletide Montage, and Spruced Up - all of these sets were in the Holiday mini catalog. I was wondering to myself, why would they feature sets on the calendar that are no longer available...so, now I wonder, does this mean they WILL be available, in the new catalog! But they're nuts if they don't include Loads of Love - it's the cutest set I own.

MichelleY 11-05-2004 06:52 PM

How very interesting...Happiest of Holidays (bet the wheels are included), Spruced Up and Yultide Montage are featured in the 2005 Calendar. Okay experienced demos, what does this mean? Will they make it into the 2005 big catty?

Give us your wisdom...

Angie Humphrey 11-05-2004 07:19 PM

I don't know what this means because I have only been around for one calendar. This will be my second. I didn't buy from the mini's before.


I just finished placing my order. Figured I better go ahead while i have my DH's blessing. I am so EXCITED!! I can't wait. It really is cruddy that there is this shipping issue gong on. I have a Christmas Stamp Camp coming up next Saturday. Normally I would get my stuff in enough time that I could make stuff for it. But Oh well. I'm not complaining.... I'm getting NEW STAMPS. YEAH FOR ME!!!

(Got to find a craft fair around here!)

RUstamping 11-05-2004 07:46 PM

I would go for it!! I make more cards at this time of year and Christmas sets are a must for me. You could stamp on bags, tags, ornaments and on and on. Also this time of year you take a lot of pictures with the holidays, and your stamp sets are great for your scrapbooking also. I am sorry that I sold some of my sets last year. If you are going to use them and enjoy stamping, then invest in them. And your DH is supportive too! You go girl!!

Angie Humphrey 11-11-2004 04:28 PM


My stuff is all coming in tomorrow!!! Yippeeeeeeee!!!!
I thought for sure it would be some time at the end of next week. I CANNOT wait. Darn old UPS man doesn't come until the evening though. Oh well, at least I get my stuff tomorrow.

To stamping I will go....to stamping I will go......hi ho the merry o.....to stamping I will go!!!!

heresrita 11-11-2004 05:11 PM

Since you asked us about what/if to buy, you'll have to list all your new loot!

Angie Humphrey 11-11-2004 07:31 PM

Oh, I went on a pretty good bender. I bought tons of stamp sets

out of the mini I got

Holiday Tag Team
Loads of Love
Jumbo Poinsettias Wheel
Woodcut Holly Wheel
Swirling Stars Wheel (CANT WAIT)
Happies of Holidays
(already had Painted Poinsettias)

from the regular catty I got

All Natural
Stipple Celebrations
Shapes and Shadows
Express Yourself
By Definition
Pocket Fun
Simple Sayings II

the hostess set was Sweet of You

I also got Born to Ride and the Making Tracks wheel.
My hubby got to buy 6 tickets to the Kentucky (UK) vs Indiana (IU) game in exchange.

But....I have to say that some of the money I spent was money I earned from my most recent workshops, some was blow mony I had been saving up to make a big order and I had $100 in rebate checks that I got to spend on whatever I wanted. I am going to have so much fun though!! Can't wait to stamp. I will be spending all my time stamping for the next two weeks. Will have to stay off SCS so that I dont' build up another huge wish list.

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