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-   -   On Board Bitty Books (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/board-bitty-books-203272/)

Amherstamper 11-30-2006 04:52 PM

On Board Bitty Books
Hi! I'm not brand new to SCS, but rather inexperienced. I've been reluctant to ask questions because I don't know that I'll be able to find where I put them, or whether I'm asking in the correct place. I have a gallery with several pictures of my Bitty Books. A number of people have asked questions about applying the paper, etc., so rather than type a lengthy response each time, I indicated that I would type out my instructions and use photos with my explanation and send it via e-mail. Would this be something that could be posted somewhere on SCS? It's somewhat lengthy (I haven't finished it yet), and is not the type of document that could go in my gallery. I'd be happy to share my tips and techniques-- I just don't know if there's a way to do it here.

And while I'm here, I was reading about making SCS friends. One of the tips was to include a picture with my user name (Avatar?) Are there instructions for doing this somewhere? (I feel quite foolish for asking!)

I appreciate any suggestions! Thanks!

Joelyn 12-02-2006 07:22 AM

If you go to the "forum" section and scrool down, there is a thread called "download" You can put your intructions and template there.
As far as the picture, I never really figured out how to do that myself, my DH did it for me. I am just computer friendly and usually fumble my way around. There is a place right under this comment, that you can ask this question about the avatar. Its called contact us, there is usually someone in that area that can help you walk through this. They are pretty nice about helping.

Soni B 12-02-2006 06:14 PM

hi sorry I do not have any answers for you...just wanted to say Hi..and welcome... thanks for sharing

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