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Stacy36 10-15-2004 08:21 AM

Bleach and Stampin' Around Wheels
I ordered the swirling stars jumbo wheel from the Holiday mini (it should be arriving today YAY!) and I was wondering if anyone has tried using bleach with the wheels. I didn't get an empty cell, I was thinking of putting the bleach on paper towels in a container and rolling the wheel over it a few times. If I clean the wheel good like I do with my stamps that get used with bleach should it be ok or do they use a different type of rubber that might not react well to the bleach? I didn't want to damage my wheel experimenting with this (it would not be fun to try it on the first use and have an unusable wheel afterwards) and I thought one of you creative ladies might have tried this before.


Sereikastamper 10-15-2004 08:09 PM

Hey Stacy, I am not sure about the bleach but would think that if you clean it really well after the wheel should be fine, I would not use an empty cell for bleach as it will disintegrate a sponge and would probably do so to the cell...I would do what you were thinking with the paper towels or use a piece of white felt...

baronsmom 10-15-2004 09:49 PM

I've used wheels & bleach! It's soo cool! I have an older scrubby thing that's pink. That's what I use for bleach. I carefully pour a little bleach in it, tip it up & down & sideways to get it all wet. I then drain off any excess into the sink. Once the excess is gone, it's just perfect for using as my stamp pad. I use both regular stamps & wheels this way & get great results. Just make sure you wash your stamps/wheels right away or you'll have crunchy ones like I do. :oops: They still work, though. I wash mine off with water first & then use stampin mist. HTH


iwasborn2stamp 10-16-2004 04:05 AM

Yup. What Suzanne said.
I do the same thing. Rinse them well and then condition them with Stampin Mist.
NY Nan

Msmellys 10-16-2004 05:15 AM

Poinsettia wheel
Here's a sample of how I used bleach on the Poinsettia wheel.

I just poured bleach on a peice of felt that was laying in the bottom of a square tupperwear sandwich container. I titled the container to let the extra bleach pour out.

It's a great technique, esp. when using the large rollers.



Cheryl Duffy 10-16-2004 06:26 AM

Bleach and wheels
I just did this with my poinsettia wheel and wowza!! :shock: Try it on real red cardstock, it gorgeous. It was hard to stop!
Thanks Melanie for a fantabulous sample!! :D

Cheryl Duffy

Stacy36 10-16-2004 08:12 PM

Thanks for the info! I didn't want to test this out with a brand new wheel but thought it might make a good background design if it worked. I like the effect you got Mel! Very cool! Looks like they were shaded.


jdmeeks 10-16-2004 08:22 PM

Wow! I never thought about trying bleach with the wheels. The samples are awesome though; so I'm going to need to try it!

debbiejjackson 10-16-2004 08:33 PM

Mel - your card is beautiful. I have that wheel. I have never tried the bleach technique, but I going to know. Thanks for the great visual!

Stampaway 10-16-2004 09:03 PM

Ooh Ooh Ooh. I have been wanting to try the bleach thing but I am afraid to try it. I am afraid I will bleach out more than just my card.haha :roll: Maybe I will be brave and try this idea...We'll see... 8)

tinxmagic 12-22-2005 06:39 AM

That is a beautiful card... your bleaching is great!
thanks for sharing the tech. I will give bleaching a try too,

Lisa Loiselle 12-22-2005 06:41 AM

How pretty! I'll have to try it! Do you use straight bleach or water it down?

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