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-   -   A bit much (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/bit-much-219878/)

greetingsbydebra 01-30-2007 07:31 AM

A bit much
I understand folks wanting to claim their creations in the gallery. A subtle, and I repeat, SUBTLE added text with your name is fine. I have no problem with that. But people are going waaaaaay overboard! When you can't see the design under the name you've gone too far. Scale back, please, so we can see what you've actually made!

This is not directed at anyone in particular. There are a bunch of "offenders."

roo613 01-30-2007 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by greetingsbydebra
I understand folks wanting to claim their creations in the gallery. A subtle, and I repeat, SUBTLE added text with your name is fine. I have no problem with that. But people are going waaaaaay overboard! When you can't see the design under the name you've gone too far. Scale back, please, so we can see what you've actually made!

This is not directed at anyone in particular. There are a bunch of "offenders."

Many of these people have been forced to do this because of image theft. I am sure it is not something they enjoy doing either.

cobrielle 01-30-2007 07:49 AM

Having recently had one of my images stolen, my watermarks are much bigger now! Sad that I had to do that, but I want to protect my designs. ;)

AmyR 01-30-2007 08:02 AM

It's sad when ppl have to put the watermarks on their cards like that - but w/ the blatant stealing of images (and YES it IS stealing!!!!!) from here I don't blame the creators one bit - it's the only way they can still share yet not be totally taken advantage of!! :(

So for me I would much rather see the big ucky watermarks rather than not see anything at all from my favorite stampers!

laurakj 01-30-2007 08:12 AM

Yes watermarks are fine, but they really have gotten way too big! I agree, I can hardly see the card through the watermark. If you want to share your creations, I would hope you actually want people to SEE your creation and not your watermark. Please scale back the opacity a bit more if they have to be so huge!

A small watermark in the corner does the same job as a massive one across the entire card. The point is to make it so some can't just cut off the watermark to make the card "theirs". Just make sure it crosses over a layer and you'll be fine!

sma499 01-30-2007 08:22 AM

Maybe you could just avoid looking at the "offenders" galleries. I'm sure there are tons of people w/o watermarks too look at.

AmyR 01-30-2007 08:23 AM

Actually that's the problem - there are certain ppl that were only putting the watermark in the corners or in a small "inconspicious" spot -well ppl were stealing the images and CROPPING OFF the watermarks!! Thus the larger ones right in the middle of the creations.

AmyR 01-30-2007 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by laurakj
A small watermark in the corner does the same job as a massive one across the entire card. The point is to make it so some can't just cut off the watermark to make the card "theirs". Just make sure it crosses over a layer and you'll be fine!

Some ppl have found "cropped versions" of their cards on otehr websites - one had even cropped off more than 1/3 (of the card!!) JUST to remove the watermark (so that THEY could claim credit!!)

So sadly like I said - ppl are having to resort to larger watermarks right in the center of their cards :( But at least they are still sharing in the gallery!! They could just quit alltogether (and it will be a sad day for SCS when that happens!!).

JMCDA 01-30-2007 08:36 AM

I'm an offender as you call us, and I'm not going to change a thing!

I recently removed my personal website from the internet - I am a professional painter, teacher and published designer in real life - and due to the rampant stealing of my pictures which ppl then undertook to copy and market as their own original paintings!!! I had no choice but to do so until I can watermark, java script and employ whatever other security feature I can use to protect my intellectual property from theft and subsequent loss of income. I may never return to a full internet presence because of the crushing hurt of knowing how badly I have been disrespected and taken advantage of by faceless humans who don't care who they hurt to get what they want.

I also do graphic design and web design and my watermark is top quality, professionally created, perfectly balanced and exactly what a true watermark is supposed to look like. I created it for my real business and use it also to mark my cards on SCS - at this time I don't think I really care if ppl case or use my pics, someday I may decide to turn my hobby into an income (I'm not making much as a painter when the "sharing" is as rampant as it is right now!)

That it irritates you or others doesn't even come into my realm of thought. I could make another that is more card friendly , I could make it smaller, I could move it into a corner but ...
once bitten - twice shy!


laurakj 01-30-2007 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by AmyR
So sadly like I said - ppl are having to resort to larger watermarks right in the center of their cards :( But at least they are still sharing in the gallery!! They could just quit alltogether (and it will be a sad day for SCS when that happens!!).

Ok Fine, but do they need to be at near full opacity? I mean almost black or gray in color so that the majority of the card is so distorted that we cannot actually see the card in all it's glory???

Turn down the opacity so we can see the card through the watermark!

kaenasmommy 01-30-2007 08:41 AM

J, IMO you are not an offender. i love your cards and your watermark does not prevent from enjoying your artwork.
there are others out there that do not have such a nice clear watermark and really do prevent from enjoying their work so i ignore those and move on to something i can enjoy.

Toad 01-30-2007 08:46 AM

I have to agree with Sharlene, J - your watermark is not that bad. (actually it is a really nice watermark!) I have seen much worse.

handstampedhappiness 01-30-2007 08:58 AM

Hmmm....I just scrolled through at least 4 pages in the gallery and didn't see anything like what you guys are talking about. :confused:

The bottom line is, the card is the artist's creation, she can do with it whatever she chooses. If she wants to put a big black mark in the middle of it, it's her prerogative.

Cat 01-30-2007 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by JMCDA
I'm an offender as you call us, and I'm not going to change a thing!


J-just my opinion, but just because your watermark is big doesn't mean it's a problem. I think the OP was talking about watermarks that make it hard to see the card. Yours (and maybe it's because it's professionally designed) is easy to 'see through' and I can still see your cards beautifully!

look-inkgood 01-30-2007 09:10 AM

You know, if anyone has trouble making out what's under the watermark, why not just drop a friendly pm to the artist and ask for more details? The unfortunate mentality today seems to be that a person can lift anything off the internet they want...I can totally understand why some have gone to these lengths.

Suzy_H 01-30-2007 09:24 AM

Still dont get why people would steal someone elses card idea. Go buy one at Hallmark if you don't want your own take on a creation.

Suzy_H 01-30-2007 09:27 AM

PS - if you are truly concerned with images being stolen on your personal sites, look into using flashplayer. Of course anyone can ultimately steal images but this will stop 90%.

Jessrose21 01-30-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by handstampedhappiness
If she wants to put a big black mark in the middle of it, it's her prerogative.

This made me LOL!!!

I kinda agree with the opacity thing, although I haven't come across that many huge white watermarks (if it's white, is it really a watermark or just a mark?). It's certainly the creator's prerogative to white out 1/3 of her card, but if you can't see the card, what's the point of sharing it? Just a rhetorical question. People can do what they like with their own cards! And I completely understand the need for larger watermarks.

Babsnelson 01-30-2007 09:35 AM

Unfortunately I don't have the ability (software) to create an opaque watermark. I have to work with what I have. I keep it small, but it's not opaque. Just wanted you to hear from the other side of the fence.

Jessrose21 01-30-2007 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by JMCDA
I also do graphic design and web design and my watermark is top quality, professionally created, perfectly balanced and exactly what a true watermark is supposed to look like. I created it for my real business and use it also to mark my cards on SCS - at this time I don't think I really care if ppl case or use my pics, someday I may decide to turn my hobby into an income (I'm not making much as a painter when the "sharing" is as rampant as it is right now!)


I just saw your Black Iris card in the gallery and it's stunning! Your watermark is also very lovely!! I didn't even see it in the thumbnail.

MrsBee 01-30-2007 09:45 AM

I figure, if people are that desperate and uncreative to come up with their own card, maybe their sad little lives need my card. It will all come back around on them later when people see that they actually aren't capable of doing anything on their own. I don't like the big watermarks for the same reason, it is hard to see the card, but ... like others suggest ... I just move on if I can't see it. If I can't see it, I'm not too interested anymore. There's lots of other cards in the gallery and if they feel that strongly about guarding their card, that's their choice. Its not like I have a 'right' to see it, and I'm pretty sure I can live without it.

Furph's wife 01-30-2007 10:00 AM

I have seen many posts regarding stealing of images, but I am confused as how one would know if their image was stolen?

DancingRain 01-30-2007 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Furph's wife
I have seen many posts regarding stealing of images, but I am confused as how one would know if their image was stolen?

Many have found their cards posted on other people's personal websites. Some have found their artwork posted on the SU! website, with another given credit. Some have even gone as far as to enter another's card in various contests. I'm definitely not an artist, but if someone were to 'steal' my work and claim it as their own, I would be hurt.

How can one know their card/image has been stolen and not simply been copied? When the scan/photo is exactly the same view... complete with shadows... and the ribbon curls in exactly the same manner... how can it not have been 'stollen'? Can anyone truly create an *exact* copy?

Just a few thoughts.

Dancing Rain

AmyR 01-30-2007 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by laurakj
Ok Fine, but do they need to be at near full opacity? I mean almost black or gray in color so that the majority of the card is so distorted that we cannot actually see the card in all it's glory???

Turn down the opacity so we can see the card through the watermark!

OOooohhhh OK I get you - I haven't seen any like that - the ones I HAVE seen WERE big but they were "See-through" so you could still see most of the card (like JMCDA's - hers is big but even when it's smack dab in the middle of her card you can still see all the details - in fact I think her watermark is superb!! Well done! :))

I haven't seen any of the "SOLID" ones then (well mine is "solid" but it's pretty small - I put it right in the middle of all my cards but so far I haven't heard anyone complain!).

jazzytobi 01-30-2007 10:43 AM

so weird that you posted this cause just last night i was thinking, while looking at a beautiful card, that THIS IS TOO MUCH... like when it's covering the whole top of the card, or the stamped image, you have to ask when it's too much. can't it be subtle, and in the corner or something??

Mahloumel 01-30-2007 10:45 AM

A lot of folks want to protect their images from being stolen and also don't have or are not interested in downloading free software (like umark -- totally free and works just fine for me), so they insert opaque text instead. I'd rather they continue sharing, too. :)

DancingRain 01-30-2007 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jessrose21
I just saw your Black Iris card in the gallery and it's stunning! Your watermark is also very lovely!! I didn't even see it in the thumbnail.

I have to agree with you, Jessrose21... JMCDA's "Black Iris" is definitely STUNNING! At first, yes I did notice the watermark; but I was so taken in by the beauty of her artwork, the mark almost vanished after a few seconds.

I saved this beautiful card, not to copy (as it would be near impossible) or to post elsewhere, but simply to continue admiring her fantastic work! I have a very large grouping of Black Iris, and JMCDA has captured their beauty so perfectly.

I definitely understand the reasons for watermarking one's work of art... just as some copyright their writings and others apply for/receive patents.

Have a FUNtastic day.

Dancing Rain

parrothead 01-30-2007 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by JMCDA
I'm an offender as you call us, and I'm not going to change a thing!

I recently removed my personal website from the internet - I am a professional painter, teacher and published designer in real life - and due to the rampant stealing of my pictures which ppl then undertook to copy and market as their own original paintings!!! I had no choice but to do so until I can watermark, java script and employ whatever other security feature I can use to protect my intellectual property from theft and subsequent loss of income. I may never return to a full internet presence because of the crushing hurt of knowing how badly I have been disrespected and taken advantage of by faceless humans who don't care who they hurt to get what they want.

I also do graphic design and web design and my watermark is top quality, professionally created, perfectly balanced and exactly what a true watermark is supposed to look like. I created it for my real business and use it also to mark my cards on SCS - at this time I don't think I really care if ppl case or use my pics, someday I may decide to turn my hobby into an income (I'm not making much as a painter when the "sharing" is as rampant as it is right now!)

That it irritates you or others doesn't even come into my realm of thought. I could make another that is more card friendly , I could make it smaller, I could move it into a corner but ...
once bitten - twice shy!


So glad I found your gallery...great work.....Put that watermark as large as you have to...it doesn't bother me!!!

karcher70 01-30-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by cobrielle
Having recently had one of my images stolen, my watermarks are much bigger now! Sad that I had to do that, but I want to protect my designs. ;)

Me too!!! Definitely!!!

sarah9678 01-30-2007 12:18 PM

I never really noticed anything. I know they are there but sort of "tune" them out.

Jeanne S 01-30-2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by laurakj
Yes watermarks are fine, but they really have gotten way too big! I agree, I can hardly see the card through the watermark. If you want to share your creations, I would hope you actually want people to SEE your creation and not your watermark. Please scale back the opacity a bit more if they have to be so huge!

A small watermark in the corner does the same job as a massive one across the entire card. The point is to make it so some can't just cut off the watermark to make the card "theirs". Just make sure it crosses over a layer and you'll be fine!

If you put it where it can be cropped out, it will be cropped out. It's a sad thing that we have to proctect it from theft.

Jeanne S 01-30-2007 12:40 PM

Sorry......can't spell today ;)

AmyR 01-30-2007 12:55 PM

ROFL Jeanne - EVERY time I see your siggy I smaile - the first time I saw it I almost choked I was laughing so hard (and it's TRUE!!) - I LOVE it!

sarah9678 01-30-2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by AmyR
ROFL Jeanne - EVERY time I see your siggy I smaile - the first time I saw it I almost choked I was laughing so hard (and it's TRUE!!) - I LOVE it!

OMG! I hadn't even noticed it...TOO FUNNY!!!!:D :D :D :D

Jeanne S 01-30-2007 01:00 PM

hehe.......just trying to get the word out ;)

AmyR 01-30-2007 01:09 PM

Yup - you know you should do a PSA on the home page ;) I think you'd be good at it :mrgreen:

Consuelo 01-30-2007 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Furph's wife
I have seen many posts regarding stealing of images, but I am confused as how one would know if their image was stolen?

Cause they see their couch or their lamp in the background. :mrgreen:

jacobsmeemaw 01-30-2007 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by JMCDA
I'm an offender as you call us, and I'm not going to change a thing


I just looked at your gallery and your watermark is totally cool. It does what it is supposed to but it still lets me see the whole card. I am so glad that you still share as your cards are beautiful!

jailbirdstamper 01-30-2007 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by sma499
Maybe you could just avoid looking at the "offenders" galleries. I'm sure there are tons of people w/o watermarks too look at.

ha ha I don't have one because A) no one steals my stuff and B) I don' t know how to make one.

But if I was one of the really great artists I would do whatever it takes to protect my work. Stealing is bad and it puts bad karma out there!

jailbirdstamper 01-30-2007 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Consuelo
Cause they see their couch or their lamp in the background. :mrgreen:

rofl! how funny (but not really) -

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