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jamiemn 01-23-2017 06:39 AM

Best white ink
What is your favorite ink? I have the SU white and it seems as if it never dries. I can let it sit forever and even use the heat gun on it and it will still smear. What does everyone else use?

bjeans 01-23-2017 07:01 AM

Hero Arts Unicorn pigment ink, a Jennifer McGuire favorite. (She does a lot of work for me. ;) )

I have actually tried a couple of others, but go back to that one, and use dye ink in the same projects, allowing them to overlap.

buggainok 01-23-2017 10:02 AM

Another vote for Hero Arts Unicorn. It's a juicy pad and the white is really white, even on dark card stock.

blestwithfive 01-23-2017 02:13 PM


bwstamper 01-24-2017 11:13 AM

I have many white ink pads and the hero Arts Unicorn is also my favorite.

harvestmoon 01-24-2017 06:46 PM

I've heard the WPlus9 white is very good, but I'm still working from my first Unicorn. It's very good.

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