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shannonlspears 11-29-2004 04:43 AM

The Best Christmas EVER!!!
OK... so I thought Christmas of 2002 could not be topped. My husband was moving us some place warmer than Michigan and surprised me with all of the classic ink pads and markers. Well he has topped it and it's not even december yet. I just love early presents. I am so impatient. He has moved his computer to my little space in our bedroom and given me the office as my stamp room. Complete with a 6ft folding table and 6 new chairs for classes. Then he brought home swatches and told me to pick a wall color so we can paint the room and get it ready for me to stamp the walls. And then last night he bought me all of the stazon inks, refills, and two bottles of cleaner. Someone pinch me!! I was so excited I just had to tell someone and all of my friends are either at work or still sleeping in california. So I guess now that I have this room and all this new ink I better get my butt to work and make some samples to put in the gallery.


JanTInk 11-29-2004 04:47 AM


SOS 11-29-2004 04:48 AM

Yes, sometimes husbands are absolutely wonderful! I felt the same way when my husband suggested I needed my very own stamp room!

MichelleY 11-29-2004 04:56 AM

What a sweet and supportive hubby. Please post pictures when you have them. I bet your room turns out wonderful!

shannonlspears 11-29-2004 05:04 AM

I will
I will definitely post pics as soon as I can get the work done. Between almost 200 christmas cards, christmas gifts that are being made for teachers and gift exchanges, and my stamp a stack and workshops, I don't think it will happen until January and waitting is just killing me. I already stamped on the wall just to try it out. ANd now I am even more anxious. Ok... let me get off of here and get to work. I have about 10 sets of coasters that have dried and need to be colored in so I can get one project closer to completing the stamp room.


photocropper 11-29-2004 05:09 AM

WOW!! How great is he!! BUT my question is - WHAT DOES HE WANT!!!!
Usually when my dh comes up with something this great he wants something himself - you know like a new Harley, Truck or boat!!!!

mommakate 11-29-2004 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by JanTInk

I"m with Jan - a bit green here! ALRIGHT what an AWESOME gift!!!



shannonlspears 11-29-2004 05:42 AM

What he wants
I think he just wants all of my stuff in one place instead of on his desk, on the kitchen counter, kitchen table, everywhere in the house. Plus normally when I have a technique class we do it in my kitchen and he has to keep my 1 & 2 year old on the other side of the house and still try to watch football. ANd with the room he can lock me and my guests int eh room and the boys can run free int he house. And as for the stazon, well he says he had been thinking about getting it for me but didn't want to spend the money and me do nothing with it. Well I came home yesterday with 6 boxes of tiles and a container of stazon inks my borrowed from a friend and locked myself in the room and started making coasters. Last night after dinner he went in and seen what I had made with the stazon and ordered them up. I guess he figures it could be worse, I could have a much more expensive interest. Other than stamp stuff I'm not a huge spender. I don't shop just to shop. ANd he is getting off cheap since we don't have a big craft store in town I'm not out spending tons of money there. And now with the stazon inks on the way I have to make everyone in his office coasters as there gift from my husband. So ofcourse he has his reasons for the room and the inks, but who cares..... I got a stamp room and stazon.

alasku2stamp 11-29-2004 07:31 AM

:mrgreen: I'm so jealous too! My dh gave me $200 to spend on whatever I wanted. I told him I wanted inks, paper, stamps! He just sighed and said ok. This is b/c I broke down and told him I was gonna get him a PS2. The price is finally coming down but they are also coming out with a PS3. I can kiss on paycheck completely goodbye. Hopefully, I will have enough left over to order a pair of jeans! :D

So, I already have my order sitting in OEX waiting for the dinero to go into my bank account. My dh almost choked! lol That was fast! was all he could get out. Yep! :D I know what I want. Now I will have all the Classic pads and at least one package of each paper with a couple of stamp sets thrown in for good measure!

albrennick 11-29-2004 08:05 AM

You are soooooooooo lucky!!! Don't forget to give him a BIG hug!!

so jealous.....I need a better place than a small kitchen table!! Whaaaaa!! :mrgreen:


texasjodylynn 11-29-2004 08:28 AM

that was so sweet
That was so sweet of him! It's neat that he will order stuff for you! My hubby has yet to order anything for me (from me lol) or buy anything crafty at the store for me... BUT he made a beaded pen once! LOL

That's OK, I'd rather just order my own stuff so he doesn't know how much it really costs. As is, he realizes that being a demo is not for making money, since every penny I have ever made goes right back into more stamps, ink and paper! I also have a part-time job which gives me more $$$ to spend on Stampin Up! :D

Hang on to the understanding hubby and give him a big kiss! It's not many men who will sit back and embrace the fact that we will stamp anyway, and just accept the fact with a grin on their face. Have fun in your new stamp room!

heresrita 11-29-2004 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by JanTInk

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Kerry D-C 11-29-2004 08:36 AM

:D :D Whoohooo! :D :D

Angela Bounds 11-29-2004 09:15 AM

Congrats on your new space!!!! I haven't posted this, but the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. My DH offered me his workout room about a year ago. I turned it down because I felt guilty for "kicking him out of his space". I asked for some different bookcases to maximize the 6x8 room that I share with the computer and large freezer.

So when he offered it again, I said, I'm not strong enough to turn it down twice. I moved in, painted, hung "girly" curtains. Seriously, I almost painted the room pink (similar to one I saw posted), but got nervous.

My DH never gives me a hard time about my hobby, but sometimes my friends (non stamping friends) do with comments like "God you have a lot of stamps" or "scrapbooking is soo expensive..." Any good come backs that won't totally alienate my friends?????

Tah Dah! 11-29-2004 09:24 AM

[quote="Any good come backs that won't totally alienate my friends?????[/quote]

"It's still cheaper than therapy!" :lol:

shannonlspears 11-29-2004 09:26 AM

Come back to friends
I don't get a lot of people telling me that scrapbooking or stamping is expensive but I do get this comment alot..." Oh I see, so if I want to take up rubber stamping I need to designate an entire room in my house for this?" ANd in return I tell them no they don't. You can use a closet or a rubbermaid in the corner. I have a designate room because I run a business. But when I do get a comment about how much money you have to spend in stamps I tell them this...... " Lots of things are expensive..... eatting out, getting your hair and nails done, shopping because your bored. Yes I have a lot of money into stamps, but I have a whole room of stamps to show for my money and beautiful items to display my memories. But after your nails grow out or dinner is over what do you have to show for that money spent??? Everyone spends money on things they enjoy..... I enjoy stamping!!
And after that I usually get a "That's very true" out of them. You just have to let them see it from another point of view. My sister tells me all the time I have WAY tomany stamps.... and I tell her she has WAY to many cherished teddies. At least I can put my collection to work for me and not let my collection put me to work. I would hate having to dust all of those teddy bears!!

OhMyInkyFingers 11-29-2004 09:28 AM


shannonlspears 11-29-2004 09:30 AM

Yes he does
He does have a brother......heheee.... but he isn't as sweet as my husband. He is young and still has not been trained....hehee.

redapron 11-29-2004 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Angela Bounds
My DH never gives me a hard time about my hobby, but sometimes my friends (non stamping friends) do with comments like "God you have a lot of stamps" or "scrapbooking is soo expensive..." Any good come backs that won't totally alienate my friends?????

When it comes to scrapbooking, I remind people how much they have invested in cameras, film, printing and ask if they look at those pictures regularly.

At least my scrapped pictures are accessable and are looked at frequently.

Advogirl 11-29-2004 09:55 AM

Hey guys my DH not only gave me a check for 300 for Valentines so I could buy during sell a bration last year he also jokes that he is glad I have found such a good use for his pool table! My stamps and stamp stuff are spread all over it...just covered it with one of those fold up card board table protectors like you use in sewing! I've got a good dozen projects going there right now! :D :oops:

carpecakem 11-29-2004 09:55 AM

Shannon, I feel the same way, I always hear how crazy I am to spend so much on stamps and scrapbooking and then I point out, your nails are always done with acrylics, how much does that cost, and how much did those highlights you get done every 6 weeks cost? My feeling is people should mind their own business!!

Angela Bounds 11-29-2004 10:51 AM

Amen Sister!!!! I'm just tire of feeling like I need to apologize for spending money on something that I enjoy, or trying to rationalize to someone else!!!! It just gets old. I think I'm going to say something like "I am very lucky to have a hobby that is creative and that I enjoy greatly. I wish everyone had something that fulfilled them." Too sappy???

Anyway, you guys are soo awesome to share similar experience, good and bad. I love this site and all you awesome women on it. I consider you all great friends!

Angie :D

Catie 11-29-2004 10:59 AM

I AM SOOOOOO JEALOUS!!! Where can I get me one of those 'husband' thingies.... :D

You know, it is rude to brag about what a great guy you have when some of us have....great little guys that are 3... :D

That is so cool, though. Woo-hoo~a stamp room!

seattlebodhi 11-29-2004 11:05 AM

What a sweet husband! Oh...so sweet!

Advogirl 11-29-2004 11:07 AM

This is my second husband-thingie and trust me the first wasn't all that great! Supportive of my creativity but also addicted to porn and left as soon as he got near the end of nursing school! But that turned out to be the best favor ever as second times can be MUCH sweeter! :D He doesn't understand creativity at all but is all for anything that makes me happy!

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