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-   -   Aquapainter, yes or no? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/aquapainter-yes-no-77717/)

scrown8301 08-11-2005 08:33 PM

Aquapainter, yes or no?
O.k I have been thinking about getting ther aquapainter but I want to know from those of you who have it or have used it what the pros and cons are. What do like aout it? What do you not like about it? What are some of the ways you have used it?


GarnetJ 08-11-2005 08:40 PM

I am sort of paintbrush challenged. I get too much water or not enough. So, I thought this little gizmo might solve the problem. Sorry to say, I am still a klutz and I still get too much water on the paper. But that is obviously not a product malfunction.

SilverDragoness 08-11-2005 08:44 PM

From what I've seen and experienced it really seems to depend upon the person. I like them quite a bit but I also enjoy painting images. They are great for putting bleach or future floor wax to do different techniques. Do you enjoy painting in your stamps? Then it is possible that you will like an aquapainter. I love picking up color from the top of a stamp pad that was squished gently so there is a little pool to paint with. Does your demo have any that you could try to see if you like them? Perhaps there is another demo in the area that could help you. Hope my scattered thoughts help you. ;)

anniem888 08-11-2005 08:51 PM

Yes, Yes, Yes, I love mine. I watercolor a lot on my cards. I don't have water in my work area. The aquapanter has the water in it. after you use it just paint off on a papertowle and it's ready for another use. no cup of water on the desk to tip over. Some people have filled the 2nd one w/floor wax to use w/pearlex.

one con, you have to be careful not to squeeze the pen while you are using it if you get too much water on the paper it will warp and buckle. Some people seem to have a hard time having a light touch. But like I said I love love love mine.

GarnetJ 08-11-2005 08:51 PM

Just noticed that today's challenge -- Ways to Use It -- is for aquapainters. Coincidence??!! Check here to see what our buddies are doing...

Sairabee 08-11-2005 09:36 PM

I don't have them, but I have used them. We put bleach in them at a stamp camp and bleached out the cardstock behind an image. It looked really cool. I had previously been using bleach with a bingo dauber, but this works better because you have more control. They're definitely on my wishlist!

11Valerie11 08-11-2005 09:38 PM

Chiming in a big giant YES here! I never use my blender pens anymore, just the aquas! They are great!

Chef Mama 08-11-2005 10:17 PM

I like mine. I got it at Michael's w/a 40% off coupon!


GarnetJ 08-11-2005 10:39 PM

So...... I got out some old pigment inks and the new aquapainter and I joined today's challenge... WT21. Maybe I like the aquapainter now! I still feel a bit nervous about putting water on cardstock... like what if I get it 90 percent finished and THEN I make a big blob or something? Anyway, I did better this time than my earlier attempts.
Here's the result.

scrown8301 08-11-2005 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by SilverDragoness
Does your demo have any that you could try to see if you like them? Perhaps there is another demo in the area that could help you. Hope my scattered thoughts help you. ;)

Actually I am the demo in my area. lol ;) I just have not ventured very much into a wide range accessories yet so I thought I would ask everyone before getting them. :D Thanks for the advice everyone. I think I may get them afterall!

skittlebrow 08-11-2005 10:57 PM

no more buckling!
if you go to an art store or even michael's you can get some watercolor paper which will not buckle (unless you add a LOT of liquid to it) and absorbs extra water beautifully for those times you accidentally add too much. it's good for random practicing and you can also cut out images after painting it to mount on your card. I bought a couple pads of 140lb weight paper but would probably go to 90lb next time. I love the aquas too! :)

scrown8301 08-11-2005 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by GarnetJ
Just noticed that today's challenge -- Ways to Use It -- is for aquapainters. Coincidence??!! Check here to see what our buddies are doing...

nope! Not a coincidence! I saw the challenge and it reminded me that I have been wanting to ask this question. ;)

Kar 08-12-2005 02:20 AM

I use my aquapainters ALL THE TIME!!! I don't use the blender pens anymore because I just love the look that the aquapainters give me. I even use my markers less now too because it is more fun to "paint" in the picture rather than color it in with markers!!

sunnywl 08-12-2005 03:34 AM

I LOVE my aquapainter. If you enjoy coloring in images, this is a MUST!

Julzz 08-12-2005 03:38 AM

I also LOVE my aquapainter...I would and will never go back to the blender pens....personally you can do so much more with this great little brush!!!! Just takes a little practice.

laurakj 08-12-2005 06:46 AM

I didn't like it when I first started using it. But I'm one of those instant gratification type people! "I" couldn't get it to work right. So I practiced and practiced and now I LOVE my aquapainter!!!!! There's a much steeper learning curve with the aquapainter than the blender pens, but it's really worth the effort!!! Just don't get discouraged if you ruin a project or two at first :D

emilymomto3boys 08-12-2005 06:52 AM


Seriously, I dont' stamp without it. I don't think I go a session without using it. Love it!!!

I use it with a drop of reinker in the inside lid of my pad. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! just look at my gallery, I always color with it!

SkyesMom 08-12-2005 07:20 AM

Before I got I thought I don't need to spend 17.00 dollars on one but then I used one and I have never looked. It also an awesome tool to use with watercolor crayons, which make the perfect watercolor look, so defintely purchase them from SU you get the discount and it goes towards your sales. You could go to a craft store but with the gas you spend going there and buying you might as well order from stampin up and it boosts your sales. Hope that helps. From Towanda the AMAZIN AMAZON WOMAN!!!!(My alter ego)

RedMolly 08-12-2005 07:26 AM

I love mine too. One of my favorite techniques is to trace along the inside of a stamped image with a watercolor pencil, then use the aquapainter to drag the color in toward the center. It gives a really pretty look of dimension!

jm_donahoe 08-12-2005 08:49 AM

Do you have the watercolor crayons? I got the crayons and did not get the aquapainters, so I was just using a paintbrush in water. It worked really good. But I decided to get teh aquapainters in case a customer asked about them. They are fabulous!!!! How did I ever get along without my aqua painter???

I would say since you are a demo too, you should get them just to show how easy watercoloring is to customers. If you have the crayons, it will be a big help! JMHO :)

jdmeeks 08-12-2005 03:58 PM

I love my aquapainter and agree with the other posts - can't imagine staming without it. Works great with ink refills, markers, watercolor crayons - just everything!!!

scrown8301 08-12-2005 06:50 PM

No I haven't gotten the crayons yet. That's what DH is getting me for Christmas. (of course he doesn't know it cause he's not here and won't be until after so I can get them.) ;) I think you ladies talked me into it! I am putting them on my next order. I love to watercolor but I have always used the blender pens. So the aquapainter will be on my next order!

stampingnut 08-12-2005 08:04 PM

Gotta have my aquapainter! I just love that thing. I bought mine at Michael's before SU began to carry them. When I found out that SU had jumped on the aquapainter bandwagon, I was so glad that thousands of happy stampers would now find out what terrific tools these babies are. They're so versatile...I wouldn't be without mine!

stampcrazed2 08-12-2005 08:14 PM

Love it
I love my aquapainters. They work great with so many different techniques, including bleaching, watercoloring and so forth. Also, SU now sells the watercolor paper, so even if you are heavy handed the watercolor paper just soaks it up. They are definately worth a try.

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