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-   -   Anyone else on a spending diet? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/anyone-else-spending-diet-505431/)

victorial 09-09-2010 07:02 AM

Anyone else on a spending diet?
I spent waaaaay too much money on stamping 'necessities' this summer with so many SU colors retiring, and then new colors and goodies to get, not to mention discovering alcohol inks, and so on. So, I am on a spending diet...no money on craft supplies, clothes or eating out for 2 months. I may have to stay away from SCS for a bit because I keep seeing new images and papers that I want. Several times a day I think about buying something....a storage box with a coupon from Joannes, a new stamp from Totally Stampalicious, new ribbon to match that new ink I just got around to using, etc. I'm sure many here can relate.

The clothes and eating out are much easier to do without. My plan when the urge to shop hits is to rumage through my stash and find something I haven't used or used much and try something new. I'm also trying to go through paper scraps and make some of my 'serendipity' cards...cards inspired by the random combinations that result from my HUGE pile of scraps/stamped images.

I do make cards to sell so most of my stamping time is spent in production rather than free flowing creativity. One reason I have spent so much (besides the obvious need for new supplies for us stamping addicts) is I can justify it as a business expense.

I guess I'm looking for sympathy as I go through my minor withdrawals.

kwelch10377 09-09-2010 07:07 AM

I am......I just had to put a lot of money into getting my car fixed and I really need to start saving for a new one, as well as paying off some bills. My goal this weekend is to work on a budget. It will be hard for me to cut out stamping/scraping supplies, clothes and eating out so much.

PMR 09-09-2010 07:09 AM

My dh lost his job at the end of June so we are on a new budget all around. I have to say that it has been a good thing! I have more than enough stuff on hand. I have treated myself to a trip to a lss and stuck to my budget. Decide what is important to you and spend your money there.

NwP 09-09-2010 07:19 AM

Yes, I'm on a complete spending freeze. I have only ever really been able to buy myself stuff during the holidays, when I get money from the inlaws and my mother, but now especially it's tight. We had some unexpected expenses (boo!) and we lost income when my husband retired from the US Army Reserve (after 21 years it is really good to have him around more on the weekends).

Sometimes I see posts or blog entries where people will talk about regularly having a certain amount to spend just on crafting. I am happy for them, but I also get jealous.

But you can do it. I agree that not looking around on here at all the cool new stuff makes it easier. Especially stay away from the 'Announcements' area. :)

arlenevita 09-09-2010 07:29 AM

I'm trying to "be good" by remembering that estimated NYS and Federal taxes $X,XXX for our printing business are due Sept. 20...and that the checkbook is way toooooo low! Hopefully now that school is back in session and people are home from summer vacation, business will pick up! Since I can barely walk around in Craftyland I think I have enough stuff to make cards for at least 20 years! LOL!

victorial 09-09-2010 07:49 AM

I think I have enough paper to last at least 5 years! And I make a lot of cards! But I'm glad I have the stuff I have. I just colored an image using a reinker, 2 markers, a watercolor pencil, a blender pen and a watercolor brush. Each of these tools was needed to get the right image quality. I don't think I'll get rid of anything but I will do my best to stay away from the gallery and tool & product talk. Thanks for listening.

Cynamom 09-09-2010 07:52 AM

BIG TIME! I told my daughter I am NOT spending on any craft stuff the rest of the year, unless I NEED a supply, but I shouldn't. I have more than enough ... new and old... to keep me busy and in the cardmaking biz for a LONG time. It's addicting! To me the trick is DON'T LOOK and the new stuff that comes out! That's where I go wrong! I hope I can do this. It's amazing how the purchases here and there add up.

On the plus side, my goal is also to SELL some of my old SU sets and Bellas during this time! :) Should end up pretty well off if I can do BOTH of these things.

The one exception to spending is if I get a gift card for anything for my bday in a couple of weeks! :)

Good luck to everyone!


Cynamom 09-09-2010 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by victorial (Post 17284504)
I think I have enough paper to last at least 5 years! And I make a lot of cards! But I'm glad I have the stuff I have. I just colored an image using a reinker, 2 markers, a watercolor pencil, a blender pen and a watercolor brush. Each of these tools was needed to get the right image quality. I don't think I'll get rid of anything but I will do my best to stay away from the gallery and tool & product talk. Thanks for listening.

LOL, I always say I have enough patterned paper to go around the world five times, at least! Paper is a killer... for expense and storage!

LidaB 09-09-2010 08:23 AM

Yep, I'm on a diet, too... I spent too much in the second quarter and with the release of the new SU catalog on July 1, so now I'm not buying much.

I also have a new rule that everything I make has to use something "old" (and that doesn't include old stamps - it has to be ribbon, embellishments, and/or DP). This hasn't been a bad thing at all - it's like Christmas every day when I'm forced to dig back into things I "had to have" and then ignored! I think I heard my checkbook saying "thank you" this morning -LOL!


Jennifer Styles 09-09-2010 08:37 AM

Not a crash diet, but I am definitely reducing my intake of craft supplies.

Happily, I am off to pick up some stuff I had shipped to a friend in the States this weekend.

Sadly, the dentist told me this morrning that my four year old son is going to need 7k worth of orthodontic work starting in two years.

princessmeshelle 09-09-2010 08:39 AM

I have put myself into a spending freeze as well. Last deployment our goal was to use the extra money to pay off our debts. We managed to pay off 2/3 of it. Over the summer I had a harsh reality check when I saw that I had doubled the card balance with a weekend get away and craft supplies. The weekend trip I don't feel so bad about, but the craft supplies are killing me! I still can't believe I let myself go unchecked like that!

stamper1996 09-09-2010 08:44 AM

Me too. We just had a new roof installed and are working to pay that off, so I've cut way back on spending in many areas. I can only buy adhesive and paper (though I have plenty of paper for a long time).

As for things like clothing, I've been actually having fun shopping at thrift stores. Our local Salvation Army had a 1/2 off sale on Labor Day, and I got 8 pieces of clothing for $6!

needtime2scrapsoon 09-09-2010 09:51 AM

me! I really need to stop buying craft stuff because I did a huge order with my SU! rep from the holiday mini, plus I ended up signing up for a 6 month kit club. I have some big wants and needs that aren't directly related to scrapbooking like a new camera and a new tv for my scraproom. So I figure if I stick to my $40/month sb kit I should be able to get my fix of new stuff without spending more.

LaLatty 09-09-2010 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Jennifer Styles (Post 17284966)
Not a crash diet, but I am definitely reducing my intake of craft supplies.

Me too! And those darn 50% off coupons at Michael�s and AC Moore always get me. Well, when I use them I only buy the one item I want, but what I mean is that I almost feel guilty for not using the one I had last week.

Hubby told me to go and pick something out, but I decided that they weren't going to get me this week and I said no and that I have enough supplies right now. Of course, hubby asked if I was feeling okay....LOL

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