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-   -   Am I the only one? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/am-i-only-one-216053/)

Happy Heart 01-19-2007 02:27 AM

Am I the only one?
Am I the only one who gets irritated when I click on a card and it says something about going to a blog to get the details?! I don't have time to check out all those flippin' blogs to find out details that should be listed when the card is posted. I thought there was a directive about this no longer being acceptable. Besides, blog information may not be there a month from now, but the info on SCS is always available.
I've decided that I won't bother to leave a comment on a card if the designer couldn't bother to share the information when uploading. Maybe if we all did this, the practice would stop.

Lisa Loiselle 01-19-2007 02:34 AM

There was a thread recently - I think JulieHRR started it - asking people to kindly refrain from that practice and give directions/materials in the post. I have to agree with you. There are plenty of folks who take the time to list directions in their cards. I'm much more likely to comment on them.

BTW - where are you in NH? We moved to NC from the Manchester area 11 years ago. My family is in the Derry/Londonderry area, and my dh has brothers in Raymond and Rochester.

Joan B 01-19-2007 04:03 AM

It doesn't irritate me one bit. But I have a policy of never commenting on cards that don't provide details on how to make the card right on the SCS gallery. If the details are left blank or refer me somewhere else, I just don't comment.

I know that many folks use SCS as a private gallery -- to have a space to store their creations -- and that's wonderful. But, it takes time to comment so I save my comments for those who took the time to provide the details.

Faereygirl 01-19-2007 04:07 AM

Personally, I don't link to my blog in the gallery as far as seeing the details of a card. I do usually post the card in the gallery and on my blog and just copy/paste the information back and forth....it's not hard at all to do it that way and then you have the best of both worlds!

I usually don't comment on a card that doesn't have info either....unless it is just so durn fantastic that I can pass it up. ;)

kristransue 01-19-2007 04:08 AM

Good policy Joan.

I don't know how I feel about it, I think if they list the materials provided that is fine. Sometimes they may have used a template and will receive 100 PMs about it, so a link to the blog for that is fine.

I do appreciate it when people have all the info there for us though.

Mom2Men 01-19-2007 04:28 AM

I have to agree with Happyheart. It really does bother me. If you can take the time to type out the details on your blog, then it's easy to do a "copy and paste" on to SCS.
I work alot of hours and sometimes I am only able to do a quick glance at the gallery during my lunch hour. I don't really want to take the time to scour someones blog to try and find where they posted the details.

JulieHRR has asked for the practice to stop and I whole heartedly agree.

Thanks for listening.

MWDStamp 01-19-2007 04:32 AM

No, you are not alone. I get irritated when the only info someone has offered on their card is to go to their blog and check it out. I am not likely to go to the blog or leave a comment. It does not take a lot of time to leave simple information - stamps and colors used. As Faereygirl said you can copy/paste between the 2 when you upload the card. I appreciate that it takes time to post all the information in 2 places, but it takes my time to have to go to a blog to check it out. SCS is a wonderful place to share your cards, not just a link to a blog. Does that sound too harsh?

Jeanne S 01-19-2007 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by MWDStamp
No, you are not alone. I get irritated when the only info someone has offered on their card is to go to their blog and check it out. I am not likely to go to the blog or leave a comment. It does not take a lot of time to leave simple information - stamps and colors used. As Faereygirl said you can copy/paste between the 2 when you upload the card. I appreciate that it takes time to post all the information in 2 places, but it takes my time to have to go to a blog to check it out. SCS is a wonderful place to share your cards, not just a link to a blog. Does that sound too harsh?

Well said :)

StampinHappyInCT 01-19-2007 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Lisa Loiselle
There was a thread recently - I think JulieHRR started it - asking people to kindly refrain from that practice and give directions/materials in the post.

Here's the link to the thread started by JulieHRR: //www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=201558&highlight=blog

I, too, dislike it when I am directed to a blog to find instructions for how a project was completed. :-|

mindeola 01-19-2007 05:18 AM

This practice seems to be getting worse! Ugh!It would be nice to at least have the basics on SCS and then a link to a blog for more lengthy directions. I do not leave comments either. I have also thought about commenting with " You are not supposed to leave links to blogs for directions. Please follow the rules" The I decided I was being snarky. LOL

mungojerry 01-19-2007 05:23 AM

Yes, it's bothersome. In general, I do not CASE cards. But, I want to know what kind of cool paper, accessory or technique. :rolleyes: Plus, I'm not really into blogging. :(

Waldsb651 01-19-2007 05:28 AM

Thank you so much Happy Heart for bringing this topic up again. I have thought about this so much lately, because more and more cards are showing up with 'check my blog' or no information at all. I hestitated to question it because I am one that hasn't taken that step of uploading my creations due to 'fear and know how' but I have learned so much from SCS and when I see a card and go to check out hows and colors and nothing is there, it is disappointing. I appreciate just the basic info, and when they add the know hows it's a bonus, and I try to leave comments on many of them. I hope that this thread will start a 'old' trend up again.

budy98 01-19-2007 05:31 AM

I couldn't agree more!! It is very irrating to not be able to see the ingredients of a card and then be directed to a blog. I won't comment on a card either just for those reasons.

immzw4 01-19-2007 05:33 AM

This bugs me, too. I don't need directions, but I have had lots of times when I wanted to know which stamp set is used or what color the paper is, and especially when a cool technique was used, what the name of the technique is. I've been trying to remember which uploaders don't leave directions (some don't even leave a blog link) and I try to avoid opening those cards. It just frustrates me. I don't CASE, but I do buy loads of stuff because of cards I see here. Not knowing what a beautiful card is made of gets in the way of my ability to shop effectively, and it's not pretty to get in my way when I want to shop. :)

DisneyDoll 01-19-2007 05:52 AM

Throw my booty onto the "this annoys me bandwagon" because I'll ride it all the way! http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...wagfinger1.gif
I like a basic description; colors, stamps, etc. Nothing elaborate, but sometimes people's photos don't show the "true colors" of their CS, etc. So then I'm left thinking, "Wow! They really thought that puce and blue went together?!?" http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...cratchhead.gif
And I kind of think it's a shameless way to get more "hits" on their blog. I honestly think our world has gotten to be too much about validation from people we don't know! I'd rather have validation from my family and friends than soliciting it from people I don't "know"!
(Please do not let the previous statement stop you from commenting on cards in my gallery! Hee, hee!) http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/peppiokay.gif

sassyat30 01-19-2007 06:20 AM

I just left a couple of comments on these type of cards, letting them know they need to leave details. Not everyone has time to check out numerous blogs for details. :rolleyes:

So, for those that I see, I will continue to point it out. I refuse to visit anyone's blog just to get colors/technique. If they can't take two mins to do it on this site (which gives them a great FREE gallery), then they won't be getting validation from me.

Snotty? Maybe, but I'm tired of people not "listening" when this has been discussed more than once.

mnhyrkas 01-19-2007 06:30 AM

I havent read all the replies here, but how commenting with a link to Julie's request. or saying something like- love the card, but I'd love to see the details here on the SCS site. can you cut and paste the details for us?

cuccicoo1002 01-19-2007 06:35 AM

I would say you are not alone...I find it annoying more so when there's nothing, but also when there is a link to their blog.

Like others have said, I can unerstand if there's intricate details or something to refer them there, but the basics are easy enough to supply...

Colleen Schaan 01-19-2007 06:35 AM

(stepping shyly from my corner...) I do this...BUT, I also give details here on how I made it. (Like what kind of CS, inks, papers, techniques...and so on) but I usually write a story with more specific details (like how I wanted a softer look so I sponged ink....blah blah blah) on my blog. Is this wrong? Should I just not mention my blog? I only do because I don't blog EVERY card...just some.

(putting on my flame retardent big girl panties...let me have it!)

cuccicoo1002 01-19-2007 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by mnhyrkas
saying something like- love the card, but I'd love to see the details here on the SCS site. can you cut and paste the details for us?

I like this idea, may start using it :)

Cat 01-19-2007 06:38 AM

First - I love that many stampers here have blogs. I love to visit them when I can because it seems like I always learn something new.

I absolutely HATE is when a card is posted to the gallery and it doesn't include the basic information about the card (regardless if there's a blog reference - many stampers aren't including any details, this isn't a 'blog' problem IMHO). If there's no notes, I don't comment.

Cat 01-19-2007 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Colleen Schaan
(stepping shyly from my corner...) I do this...BUT, I also give details here on how I made it. (Like what kind of CS, inks, papers, techniques...and so on) but I usually write a story with more specific details (like how I wanted a softer look so I sponged ink....blah blah blah) on my blog. Is this wrong? Should I just not mention my blog? I only do because I don't blog EVERY card...just some.

(putting on my flame retardent big girl panties...let me have it!)

Colleen - I think you're doing the right thing! The gallery should include colors, papers, techniques. etc. Referencing your blog for more details is okay by me.

speanburg4 01-19-2007 06:43 AM

I am with everyone else. There are lots of posters that list the stamps and inks, but link to their blog for the actual how-to of the card. I don't mind those. What bugs me are the ones that don't list any ingredients at all, but make me go to their blog for all the details. I only follow the links of those that give at least basic details. I have found some really neat blogs by following those links!

MWDStamp 01-19-2007 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Colleen Schaan
(stepping shyly from my corner...) I do this...BUT, I also give details here on how I made it. (Like what kind of CS, inks, papers, techniques...and so on) but I usually write a story with more specific details (like how I wanted a softer look so I sponged ink....blah blah blah) on my blog. Is this wrong? Should I just not mention my blog? I only do because I don't blog EVERY card...just some.

(putting on my flame retardent big girl panties...let me have it!)

What you do is fine. I checked out a couple of cards in your gallery - very cute. You list stamps used, colors and c/s. I think as long as people are getting that information and then can go to your blog for more info it is not a problem. The problem is when the only thing posted is "visit my blog for details"

AmyR 01-19-2007 06:50 AM

I AM one of those rotten ppl that link to their blogs w/ the upload :blush: (well most of the time) BUT I do make sure to list all the info w/ it so that no one HAS to go just to find out what supplies were used!! And I make sure to link to the actual post that *THAT* creation is in - not just a link to the blog in general - I think there is nothing more annoying then having to click on a link to find out more AND then having to search to find it anyway!!

*ducking from the stones*

its_kristy 01-19-2007 06:58 AM

I have to agree with the OP. It is annoying AND time consuming because many times, the card is not even on the front page of the blog and you have to go searching through the archives to find it.

speanburg4 01-19-2007 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by AmyR
I AM one of those rotten ppl that link to their blogs w/ the upload :blush: (well most of the time) BUT I do make sure to list all the info w/ it so that no one HAS to go just to find out what supplies were used!! And I make sure to link to the actual post that *THAT* creation is in - not just a link to the blog in general - I think there is nothing more annoying then having to click on a link to find out more AND then having to search to find it anyway!!

*ducking from the stones*

Amy, you don't need to duck. No stones here. As long as people list the basics, I actually like a link to their blog. I do have one issue with your blog, that is I have never won any of your giveaways!! LOL! Seriously, your blog is fantastic. Now I need to go see if there is anything new on it.

chattiekathie 01-19-2007 07:08 AM

I agree - annoying, to say the least. And I do not visit the blogs of people who don't at least give the basics of what the card used. Way too time consuming.

frankie 01-19-2007 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by AmyR
I AM one of those rotten ppl that link to their blogs w/ the upload :blush: (well most of the time) BUT I do make sure to list all the info w/ it so that no one HAS to go just to find out what supplies were used!! And I make sure to link to the actual post that *THAT* creation is in - not just a link to the blog in general - I think there is nothing more annoying then having to click on a link to find out more AND then having to search to find it anyway!!

*ducking from the stones*

Amy you and Colleen are fine . . . you're both giving basic details here and then also adding your blog link for MORE details.

It's the posters who aren't giving ANY basics, just a blog link who are irritating all of us. I'm on that bandwagon too!!

It only takes a couple extra minutes (if that!) to fill in the boxes about ink, cardstock, etc. Please have the courtesy to share the basics if you're taking the time to share your art!

laciann 01-19-2007 07:20 AM

It bugs me a little. If I had to go to every Blog to get instructions I wouldn't have time to make any cards of my own. I didn't think people were allowed to do that.

genie1314 01-19-2007 07:22 AM

i am someone that links to my blog for this reason...
i feel that i can be more conversational about it.
when i post here i give the details, but i try not to be too long winded. i for one can't stand jibber jabber when i just want to know about the flippin' project.

it is common courtesy, whether you link your blog or not, to give details about your project. i think that some people are getting points of sorts to direct people to their blog. not cool!!
IMHO...use a blog as a web diary of sorts (that's what it is...a web log). be conversational, add direction/how-to (if it is not obvious, you should include that info on SCS), etc...
anyways, happy friday girls!

sassyat30 01-19-2007 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by frankie
Amy you and Colleen are fine . . . you're both giving basic details here and then also adding your blog link for MORE details.

It's the posters who aren't giving ANY basics, just a blog link who are irritating all of us. I'm on that bandwagon too!!

It only takes a couple extra minutes (if that!) to fill in the boxes about ink, cardstock, etc. Please have the courtesy to share the basics if you're taking the time to share your art!

Right. I don't want it to seem like I'm annoyed at those that post basics, but also give a link to their blog. I think that is great!

What I don't like is those that say nothing except for a link to their blog...they don't even bother to fill in *any* of the details.

sgalley 01-19-2007 07:39 AM

Thank you Happy Heart for bringing this up. I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to start this thread and ask this question, but wasn't brave enough. I had decided I was the only one that had a problem with it, so I might as well just keep my mouth shut. I'm so glad to see that I'm NOT the only one. I agree with what everyone else has said. I will not comment on a card that has "go to my blog for details" and they have not listed the basic supplies. As stated, if you want to link details to a complicated technique that is on your blog - that's fine. Otherwise, put the details right here on Splitcoast. People come here to look at cards, not to read blogs. Nothing wrong with having a link to your blog in your signature line, etc. That way people who have the time and WANT to read blogs, have the option.

laurakj 01-19-2007 07:52 AM

I am another one who puts in the basics (CS colors, ink colors, points of interest) but then puts a link to my blog for more detailed info. It's my blog, and I can talk about my card as long as I want to. I can also point out certain techniques that I tried and failed, or that worked out really well.

I agree though, if you *just* put the link to your blog or no info at all, I'll skip it. I think that listing the colors/info is pretty easy and if you don't have the time to do that (but have time for a blog entry), then maybe you should re-think uploading to SCS.

Joan B 01-19-2007 08:14 AM

Ok, can I add one more thought. I just got a PM from a very nice SCSer who really didn't understand why we all like the details on a card. She uses a lot of non SU stuff, retired stuff, etc. and just didn't think it was meaningful to put those details in. She sounded a little upset that she might have offended anyone.

So, let's just let this serve as a gentle reminder that stampers crave details -- even if we are never going to buy the stuff you used. We are nosy!! We are always dreaming of our next creation, our next purchase,etc. and your details help our little dreams. No hard feelings ever intended!

genie1314 01-19-2007 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Joan B
Ok, can I add one more thought. I just got a PM from a very nice SCSer who really didn't understand why we all like the details on a card. She uses a lot of non SU stuff, retired stuff, etc. and just didn't think it was meaningful to put those details in. She sounded a little upset that she might have offended anyone.

So, let's just let this serve as a gentle reminder that stampers crave details -- even if we are never going to buy the stuff you used. We are nosy!! We are always dreaming of our next creation, our next purchase,etc. and your details help our little dreams. No hard feelings ever intended!

LOL! well put! :)

AmyR 01-19-2007 08:30 AM

LOL too true - we all gotta know!!! :mrgreen:

olivia'smom 01-19-2007 08:43 AM

OK so my opinion is I don't want to be referred to a blog to find out the basics of a card. I also don't comment on someone's work if there are no "ingredients" provided. However, I don't mind having the blog links because when I have time the info is more in depth and I have learned a few new things from them. There is one that has a video of how to's that was great to see.

BillieBee 01-19-2007 08:54 AM

Maybe it should be added to the TOS . . . if it isn't already there? I would think that referring people to your blog for information would be a form of advertising, which isn't allowed, right?

SunshineMama 01-19-2007 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Colleen Schaan
(stepping shyly from my corner...) I do this...BUT, I also give details here on how I made it. (Like what kind of CS, inks, papers, techniques...and so on) but I usually write a story with more specific details (like how I wanted a softer look so I sponged ink....blah blah blah) on my blog. Is this wrong? Should I just not mention my blog? I only do because I don't blog EVERY card...just some.

(putting on my flame retardent big girl panties...let me have it!)

Now that you've been brave, I will be, too. :)

I upload pics to my gallery and give all the "ingredients" to my cards and projects because I get so irritated when I see things that I love and want to try out (especially color combos and certain stamps) and I don't know what the heck they are or what set they come from and would love to have those "ingredients" listed for me.

I used to put ALL the dimensions to my cards on my blog, but have stopped doing that because it just takes too long for me to type it all up. Now, I just post about how the card was put together, but it's still rather long to put into a gallery upload. I no longer put a link to my blog in gallery uploads that don't have a step-by-step tutorial attached to it.

The only cards I link my blog to are the ones that have 6-8 step-by-step tutorial pictures to them that are impossible to upload to a gallery upload and these are technique tutorials.

Because of all the recent posts on blog linking in gallery uploads, I emailed a mod a few weeks ago to make sure that I was playing by the rules. I was told that I WAS playing by the rules because I was including all the "ingredients" but only linking to my blog when it included a technique tutorial.

I think things like that are fine.....but not including the basics is not helpful. I won't try out a color comb or an idea if I don't have ready info like CS, ink colors, stamp sets, etc.

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