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-   -   all this stuff and no time to play (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/all-stuff-no-time-play-72111/)

agrainger 07-22-2005 07:41 PM

all this stuff and no time to play
Ok...this is pretty bad, I just spent $300 on stampin up on the new catty and I am a SAHM of 2, with a newborn and a 2 yr old. I love stampin now, but I love scrap booking and I am a CM Consultant. Should I be working on my albums or card making? I mean in all my spare time....I also have a husband who thinks I don't do squat all day, when I really do....by the way....I just joined weight watchers and lost 4.2 lbs the first week!!!! I am so stoked. ....anyhow....stampin or scrappin...what should I do? Oh by the way...I love my 2 year old with all my heart but she is driving me batty and she is terrorizing my 3 month old...hence my avatar pic....she drew on his face with a marker....

I also miss Rae...she is at convention and I miss her....

OK I am done ranting....
You guys are the best...

Granny Hawkins 07-22-2005 08:04 PM


My scrapbooking has suffered since I started stamping. I need scrapbooking weekend real bad.

Just do whatever doesn't stress you out.

Shanon 07-22-2005 08:07 PM

Deep breath, make a card, deep breath, scrap a page, deep breath kick your hubby, and repeat!;)

Granny Hawkins 07-22-2005 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Shanon
Deep breath, make a card, deep breath, scrap a page, deep breath kick your hubby, and repeat!;)

:) :)

maryp 07-23-2005 03:11 AM

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{GREAT BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I have no great advice....wish I did. What Granny & Shanon said seems pretty
good to me......in whichever order seems to work for you.
Hard not to let your 2 yr. old push your buttons, I know. It's been a REEEALLLY
long time since my kids were those ages, but I do remember my then 3yr.old
son being able to make me cry right after I had my 2nd baby. Some of it is
prolly your hormones & some of it is your 2 yr. old bein' a stinker. As for your
DH.....pftpftpft! A lot of the time they just don't 'get it' & could use a kick in the
Congratulations on your weight loss....that's gotta feel great!!!
We're here for you, come & vent whenever you want to!
For me, I'm all about stampin' cards, so that's what I'd do in my spare time but
since I know your spare time is extremely limited, do what will put a smile on
your face & in your heart.


tinadoran 07-23-2005 05:40 AM

My stamping totally took over my scrapbooking, and I scrapbook with all of my stamping stuff!! My goal for this year is to set aside 2 nights a month for scrapbooking (when I say this year I mean starting in September). I am going to do a 6x6 page with a current event and put all the other pictures and notes from the day behind the picture in the book - so I can go back and make a 12x12 later. I am also going to do the same with past events that have not yet been scrapped. My goal is to do the events for the month anbd 1 past event. I figure my child won't even appreciate it until he is 30...so I have time to go back and make the 12x12 pages. And I will already have a theme going thru the 6x6.
When I read that you were a cm consultant and stamping took over yuor scrapbooking - I chuckled to myself because I am a SU distributor - who would be stampin up those scrapbook pages anyway... and cards still took over mu scrapbooking.
I am also going to try this.....when i do a card.....and I love the colors, etc......I am going to turn the theme of the card into a scrapbook page.

Congratulations on the weight loss!!
Your 2 year old will be 6 before you know it!! That is a challenging age.....but I guess they all have their own challenges:)
Yor newborn is beautiful - marker and all!!
Best of luck to you!!

photocropper 07-23-2005 06:03 AM

Hello! I say stamp and scrap! Stamping is one of those things I can do when I only have a little time and scrapbooking is something I do when I have more time. Scrapbooking usually sits out for days and I work on it in the evenings after the kids are in bed. I also stamp in my scrapbooks ;)
No real advice about the children...my dd is 6 now and I had a time with her....my ds was not born until dd was 3. She loved her brother and is a huge Momma so she wanted to help all the time and now she bosses her brother around!
So I really dont have any advice but try to have patients........

mightymouse 07-23-2005 06:13 AM

I'm with Shelley (hmmm I noticed I usually am we must think alike) stamp when you have little snatches of time and scrap when you have larger stretches. All these ladies have given you great advice Mary says it all with do what makes you happy.
The terrible twos pass but what about letting her have one specific thing she does while you stamp or scrap. Like work puzzles or use kid friendly markers on scraps you don't want or need (this will also give her something to send grandma).
Don't worry that your dh thinks you do nothing, he knows better. Besides you are still in that time when your body is rebuilding and adjusting after giving birth, yeah just tell him that one that will shut him up.

jm_donahoe 07-23-2005 10:12 AM

I have 3 kids ages 5, 3, and 1 yo. I take my coming week apart on Sunday nights. I figure out what I have going on, what the kids schedules are (my work, napping, school, dance class etc..) and then I figure out when I will have time to stamp/scrap. Then I divide it up. Ok, wed. night I will do my cards for the week, and Thurs. Night I will get a page or two done after the kids go to bed, for example. It has been a lot more willy-nilly during this summer, but generally this works for me. HTH! :) Of course, getting a new shipment of supplies in throws the whole thing off - come to think of it, so does SCS! LOL

dgmlmax 07-23-2005 10:50 AM

I feel the same way. I hardly ever have time to scrap or stamp. I have a room full of scrapping and stamping stuff. Tons of money invested. My children are older..... 14 and 16. I feel guilty doing crafts when I have other stuff to do for my kids, hubby and house. We are about to remodel and add onto our home so I know I won't get to be creative for a while. When the house is done I'll have a better space for my stampin and scrappin stuff. My goal is to have it extremely organized. Right now I have to move a hundred things to get to what I want. It's not that it's a mess just too much stuff in too little space. NO wait maybe it's just too much stuff!!!!!! Anyway I'm reading all of the advice posted so I can get more creative time for myself.

My advice to you, is to leave the 2 children at home with your husband for a day, several times................. he will then know what you do all day!!! Also let him know that when you have time to be creative, your a better mother and wife! It refreshes you so you can face the next set of daily challenges!! Dina

SilverDragoness 07-23-2005 11:35 AM

I think there is room to do both hobbies you just have to recognize that they are slightly different but are both papercrafting so they go hand in hand. I personally love both and can't imagine not doing either. Do stamping when you want something that is quick and you don't want to feel restricted by things such as acid and lignin free. It always makes me sad when I see a beautiful paper that is not and I know I can't use it in my scrapbooking efforts. Do scrapbooking when you have more time and can really think about what you are doing. I always feel it is more permanent so I spend longer on pages. If you can and I know this might not be possible with kids and your living situation have somewhere where there is a table etc... that they can't get into that way you can leave your supplies out and work on things in short snatches during they day. Heck even closets can be outfitted this way.

stampstar 07-23-2005 07:24 PM

With a newborn and a 2-year old, be thankful for their health and happiness and your sanity every day. Your children will grow up and learn to love what you do for them--every page you scrapbook with their sweet faces and every project you stamp with their name will have special meaning for them. When you're having a bad day pull out whatever you're in the mood for--a scrapbook page or a card to stamp. It will sooth your day when you do something for yourself using your creative outlet.

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