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denidill 08-14-2007 08:30 AM

Hi everyone!
I noticed something interesting....I have kind of lost my stamping mojo (I'll get it back....it's happened before), but yet I will still be on SCS and the blogs till the cows come home. Seems like I love to just look at cards as much as I like to make them! AND I continue to buy, even though I am not using.

But my question is about all of our stuff. I know designers of high caliber will require the latest in cardmaking to stay with the trends. e.g. spellbinders, copics, etc. So, with the rest of us, we still buy this stuff too, but in all honesty, don't have to, since we are sending our card to our grandmother and she probably wouldn't know a copic marker from a pencil crayon (sorry, Grandma). Where am I going with this? Well, I am not quite sure, but I guess I am wondering if we are just following the BIG guys in order to be like them when we grow up. I have tried soooo hard to not get the stuff I don't really need. But this is like shopping for that 20th pair of shoes. KWIM. For a high profile lawyer in court all day, maybe she/he needs tons of shoes. Got to look good in court. But the lawyer who stays behind the desk in a teeny little law office may make do with 3 pairs of shoes. See where I'm going with this? (or I am just rambling cause I love to "talk" and just had to say something this morning).

So, do you think this hobby is all about the buying first and the cardmaking second? (GASP). Why else become addicted to the site and LOOKING at the cards and not MAKING the cards. (I realize many of you do not fall into this category).

My insight for the day. Now off to practice making straight lines with Faux Ribbon by Papertrey, now that I got that great tip off of her sight.

Hope to see many Papertreyers out tonight at the party!

stampwithdiane 08-14-2007 08:38 AM


I think you may have hit a nail on the head there. It's difficult to resist purchasing the latest and greatest when all of the wonderful stampers here are using them.

My personal way to combat my urge to buy everything has been to limit my purchases to what's available in the current SU catalog -- that keeps me away from most of the popular trendy stamps and gadgets that I want but don't really need. And even with my SU stuff, I often challenge myself to use sets and colors on a rotating basis, so that I never get tired of a particular stamp set or color combo. Believe it or not, this strategy has really helped me cut down on my purchases and increase my creativity. I call it my 24-7 limited supplies challenge -- LOL!

craftygirl04 08-14-2007 09:02 AM

The thing that keeps me from buying tons of stuff is that I'm too chicken to start buying said stuff on-line. That leaves me my SU and TAC demos and one local scrapbook store....which doesn't even have the latest gadgets (but that's OK because I just love going in to chat with the great staff ;) ) I'm pretty happy with what I have and if I have to improvise, so be it.

austamper 08-14-2007 09:04 AM

I'm a collector by nature.... this hobby only feeds that habit. I think what you say makes a LOT of sense.

danalangdon 08-14-2007 09:05 AM

ouch -- this post hit very close to home :(

I MUST start using more than I buy!! But, I really enjoy the shopping :)

daisyboo 08-14-2007 09:42 AM

You absolutely hit the nail on the head!! So many times I see a card on SCS that I love. It uses Stamp X (so I buy that set) and Ribbon Y (so I buy that too). It was colored using Z (so, of course, I have to buy that). So I can easily spend upwards of $50 because I want to CASE that card!

Months ago, someone posted on here that they had reduced the price per card to something like $400!! If you add up what I have spent on supplies and divide it by the number of cards actually mailed, my cards probably cost more!

But I'm all about the collecting! And it is nice to able to sit down and have choices when I am ready to create!!

mztamela 08-14-2007 09:55 AM

I totally agree with all that's been said. It's the way of our culture...the biggest, best-est and newest of everything to keep up with the Jonses or our inner egos.

anyaponya 08-14-2007 09:58 AM

Wow. I really needed to hear this. I'm not even a lawyer in the tiny office - I'm the law clerk or intern, and I'm buying 20 pairs of shoes. :) Thanks for the new perspective, Denise.

austamper 08-14-2007 10:05 AM

Just to play the devils advocate.... how did these big shot designers and great card makers, etc, get to that point? I imagine by buying too much and using it. Key being... using it.

MT Nest 08-14-2007 10:08 AM

If I just stuck to buying individual sheets of paper to feed the addiction, it wouldn't be too bad. I mean, c'mon, you can buy 8 sheets for $1 when it's on sale! But I *have* to have that $20 punch, or that $24 set of stamps, or that $$$ set of prismacolor pencils.

I agree. I think it's more about the acquisitions. At least, it is for me. Sort of "Look at what all I have!" Sad. ;)

Gina K. Designs 08-14-2007 10:13 AM

My humble opinion.

Buy things that you really love and would have fun using. If you never color with markers and coloring isn't a huge part of your stamping, don't buy the new markers just because a "big name" stamper showed a great card on her blog using them.

Instead, decide what products you enjoy using and stick with those. You can still enjoy the latest and greatest samples but try to be true to yourself about your own stamping style.

Try this:
Go right now and make a card. No samples around, no computer on. No gallery to look at. No blogs. Just you and your stuff. What are you naturally drawn to? Chunky stamps and ink pads in colors? Or line art stamps and makers or pencils? What makes you feel the most accomplished and makes you feel happy. Can you not make a card without a punch? Or are your punches all still sitting in their package.
(That would tell you whether or not you would use the new nestabilities.) Let's face it, if you've already invested a ton in punches and never use those, why do you need more? On the other hand, if your punches are wearing out like mine, go run and preorder those dies!!! If you are really wanting more depth in your coloring and color everything you make, get the copics!!

It's always fun to try new things, but maybe get together with another stamper who has some of those things and try them first. If you fall in love, go for it. If it's frustrating, forget about it.

And I love Denise's comment about Grandma. It's true, most of us just send cards to people who would love them no matter what tools we used. (But there are some of you out there that never even send a card to anyone! But you still make tons of cards and love your latest tools and gadgets! LOL!)

And remember, those new fun tools aren't going to go away. They will still be available next month. You don't have to break the bank and get it all at once.

As for me, I will be getting the copics and the Nestabilites because I color and punch every single thing I make. I know I'll use them to death!

The greatest thing about stamping is that you can create beautiful cards with one layer of card stock, a stamps and a few crayola pencils. You really can! I've seen cards like that in the gallery that get tons of positive feedback because of their simplicity.

Just like some of us like sweets better and other like the chips and pretzels better, there are all kinds of tools. Decide what kind of stamper you are first and then make your purchases based on that.

Okay, I'm done droaning on! I am really just trying to avoid going back to work. LOL!
Gina k.

JulieHRR 08-14-2007 10:17 AM

Yeah, what Gina said! :D

ked 08-14-2007 10:21 AM

I tend to make myself USE the stamping stuff that I buy, if even just once, to justify the purchase! ;) But it's another story with my quilting hobby. I buy a lot that I WILL use...at an undetermined time. But I have to have it! I think with all hobbies, that being "enabled" is half (at least) the fun!

Joan B 08-14-2007 10:30 AM

Denise, you are singing my song. I struggle with this issue more as my husband and I get closer to retirement and my son's college. I remind myself every day that I'm not getting free products to showcase. Many of my favorite bloggers are and there is just too much nice stuff out there!

I also think -- here's a shocker! -- that most craft items are way way overpriced. Craft makers know that we are like this and push those prices well beyond a reasonable mark up. I am convinced of this based on the fact that you can often find the exact same item in a non craft store for half the cost. Just look at frugalities. We think 49% off is great, when in fact even at those prices, frugalities is making money.

Not to pick on one particular thing but I recently saw an item on line called the Clip It Up by Simply Renee. It is a turnstile ring with little clips and plastic bags on it. It is actually quite nifty as it is designed to hold embellishments in this hanging turnstile (ok you just googled it, some may have just bought it....LOL ... come back to my point here...).

I would like to buy a couple of these. I figured based on the fact that these are similar in design to things you see in stores displaying things for sale that the 2 tier version would cost about $25.

I about fell over when I saw that the base unit is over $60 and the top tier is an additional $36! Oh, you can get both for only $95!! This thing must have cost $5 in materials tops. That's a hundred dollars for a plastic and metal thing that holds 120 plastic baggies and clips. Come on! I want everyone to make a profit or they will go out of business. I realize there are materials, overhead, wholesale and retail. But really. This is just over the top.

$40 for those Pollen Dust stamps? What's up with that?

And so it goes.

I think we always want manufacturers and retailers to have a financial incentive to design new things and feed our little compulsions, but it has gotten way out of hand.

Babsnelson 08-14-2007 10:55 AM

Wow - this really hit home! I guess it all started for me when I decided NOT to get a cuttlebug. Dry embossing is just not something I do - so why spend tons of dough on something I will rarely use. (Still don't have one BTW ;) )

I've started only buying things I *know* I will use. If I see soemthing I like but don't think I'll use a ton, I try to do a swap - punches, images, etc. That way I have a few to play with and can try and run with the big girls, but I don't have to shell out a ton of $$$.

Having said that, the current SU catty didn't do a lot for me. So for this catty, I'm purchasing mostly inks, paper, ribbon, etc (read consumables!) for my stamp club. These are things that I know I will use and fulfill my stamping club commitment.

I guess, at least for me, I've decided NOT to keep up with the Jones'. I'm not great at coloring - no copics. I can't seem to get the Gamsol and Prisma colors to work for me - no 128 sets of pencils, etc. I'm trying to concentrate on the things I like that I do well.

Just my $.02. Great food for though though Denise.

krzylittlecara 08-14-2007 11:09 AM

I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm fairly new and have definately got caught up in the "have to have it" wave. I've got all this stuff now and barely have enough time to use it. I am committed to making about 200 Christmas cards this year for my office, and that on top of 110 nugget boxes I have to have done by September 29. I am hoping that after I get these projects done that I will have time to stamp for myself! (oh the thought of that!!!)

Now I'm kind of in a slump too, but having orders to fill keeps me using things up. My club orders are all consumable things too so I figure that it'll be better than punches that stay in the bag, or sets that go unmounted for months ............and if they do get mounted are only used for 2-3 cards, etc.

JanTInk 08-14-2007 11:19 AM

I think that people who indulge in hobbies like this tend to be on the obsessive compulsive side. Take this little quiz:

a) Do you frequently go to brick & mortar stores or online stores and buy something just because you are there and you have the urge, not because you went for something specific? Is it almost like an itch that you have to scratch?

b) Do you feel yourself shopping to make yourself feel better? Do you feel anxious if you haven't bought something new for yourself lately?

c) After you buy something new, how long before you start lusting after the next thing? A day? Do you open the box you just get and feel like something is missing that you should have bought, but didn't?

e) Do you actually USE what you buy (at least the consumbable stuff), or do you save it for something really good, but the something really good never comes? Do you feel intimidated using something in case you use it the wrong way, i.e., you'll have wasted the "potential" of the item even if whatever you make turns out gorgeous?

If you answered yes to most of these, you're probably on the obsessive/compulsive side.

I recognized that I, myself, have a bit of OCD. I'm more obsessed than compelled, but it all has something to do with anxiety and how we calm ourselves. The obsession, though, can lead to compulsive shopping. Once I figured this out about myself, I found I can control it better now that I'm aware of it.

It's not all bad. When I'm truly obsessed, I can get amazing amounts of great work done and there is no high quite like it. On the reverse side, once I begin to fall out of an obsession, it's almost impossible to get anything done and I start leaving things unfinished. A lot of the pleasure is gone and I just can't get it back. Sound familiar?

Selling stamps has actually allowed me to become non-obsessed with them to some degree. I no longer have the intense attachment to my "stuff" that leads to hoarding issues. I don't feel bad about selling off stamps, because I have learned that there will always be more of them. I can use them for a season, then let them go. I've also learned that I don't have to have every scrapbooking/stamping magazine on the face of the planet; I do not have to buy every one like I used to.

Paper, though, I still have a problem with. Luckily it's a cheap problem. I'm learning to let paper go as well, but it is hard.

Lynnie1 08-14-2007 11:24 AM

I'm so with you on this topic! It really came to light when I was laid off a few months ago and didn't have the great income I had coming in. So, my feeding frenzie of stamping supplies was totally cut off (I've snuck into JoAnn's to pick up a few little things, little X Xyron for $5, but nothing big) Anyway, I was in a total bind not having the income, so I took a different approach, What could those products, sitting on my shelves and in boxes, do for me? Well, I decided that all the sets and gadgets that I was not using, nor had used, or wasn't going to use, I was going to sell. A local stamp store had a "Stampers Garage Sale", where you could bring in your old stuff, sell it and whatever you sold, you would get in store credit or take the cash! I took a bunch of my "not going to use" stuff up there and sold enough to MAKE A CAR PAYMENT! So... having said that, when I do get my new job, hopefully soon, I have less useless stuff sitting around and I will think more closely and carefully what I "really need" and want now. I've really decided to revisit all the stuff I have and become "reacquainted" with everything and guess what..... it's just as fun and I don't need all the new gadgets!!! It's great! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

chitcha 08-14-2007 11:28 AM

About 6 months ago I decided to USE what I have and buy only select new things. In fact, I just saw the Martha line at Michaels last week, does that tell you how long I have not been to the craft store to buy "something" w/ my 40% coupon! I have a lot of great stuff to use be it current trend or not and like Denise said, does so-in-so really know if I used retired ribbon on their card?

Tah Dah! 08-14-2007 11:29 AM

This is a HUGE issue for me. When I discovered stamping (a/k/a my obsession) in '99, we were a double income family with no children. I'm now a stay at home mommy - so less money coming in, plus more needed for things that are truly needed! When I got into this hobby, I went hog wild and accumulated an insane pile of stuff. Did I use it? Well, some. But others were truly a waste of money, as well as taking up space that was needed for other things. Am I getting better? Yes. Was it easy? Certainly not. I am currently doing some serious purging, and have come across a bunch of things that were "must haves" three years ago, but I still haven't used. That's crazy! I now refuse to buy things when I first see them. I want to think it over, make sure it will work with what I already own, and read feedback.

Jeanne S 08-14-2007 11:30 AM

Here's my take 2 cents ;)

I'm always on the hunt for coloring tools. I had Prismacolor pencils long before I started stamping. Coloring is my thing. I bought Copics (not donated by any company) because they are a great coloring tool.

Does everyone need Copic markers - absolutely not!

Buy only what you will use (or use that stockpile that you already have ;) ). Forget what everyone else is using. Use the tools and accessories that YOU like. You will get much better results if you use what you like as opposed to what's trendy.

KimberlyinMN 08-14-2007 11:31 AM

Yep, I can relate. I tend to buy a lot of stuff and then not use it. Stamp sets, tools, etc. I think I do typically eventually use the stuff I buy. I finally used my Unfrogettable set this past weekend. I made two cards. One card was colored with the Prismacolor pencils and odorless mineral spirits and the other card with the Prismacolor markers. I can't believe how much time I spent on those cards. It wasn't just the coloring though.. I had to make a mask for the stamps, etc. BUT... I did enjoy the time. It was sort of a learning experience with the coloring.

I can honestly say that I can go into the LSS and not buy a thing. Zilch. Same for Michael's and Hobby Lobby. And that's with CASH and coupons on my purse! (At least this past Thursday...)

maryjo2 08-14-2007 11:35 AM

I'm the same way, I tend to collect stuff in catagories. First I have to have all these new punches, then inks, stamp sets, etc. The only thing is of all the punches I maybe use two of them and then move on to another obsession

JulieHRR 08-14-2007 12:04 PM

Who are the Joneses, anyway?

If I like it, will use it, I buy it!

The only time I get into trouble, is if I buy it, and have no clue what I plan to do with it. Like 144 toy compasses.

I had an idea for 'em at one time, but, the time came and went for the occasion for which I actually needed 'em. Then, a month later, I bought 'em anyway, for just in case I did need 'em again. Cuz they're so dang cute. :rolleyes:
But, now, I don't actually need 'em. http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/gaah.gif


shirolives 08-14-2007 12:17 PM

Roflmbo. Laughing with you all, not at you. I AM the queen of the discount table. Yep. If it's on sale, I snatch it up. You caught me.

Maybe that's why I have, to mention a few: 4 rainbow pads, 10 slide mounts, a zillion colors of acrylic paint, big & fat foam stamps and last but not least...these little silver buckle things that I was going to make really groovy keychains with.

I lost control, but then I found it. Kinda sorta.


JampsterStampster 08-14-2007 12:34 PM

This "buying what the Big Girls say" has never been a problem for me, because, it's my nature to ask myself

"Do I really need this? Will I actually use this? Where will I put this? Can I afford this?"

And, being honest with myself, I have trouble justifying a purchase if the answer to any of those is "No". After all, I live in the real world of a stay-at-home-mom. Having a family of 5 living on a single income does not all me to justify such purchases when gymnastics tuition is due and I have no space to put something extra.

Gina K. Designs 08-14-2007 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by JulieHRR (Post 6846223)
Who are the Joneses, anyway?

If I like it, will use it, I buy it!

The only time I get into trouble, is if I buy it, and have no clue what I plan to do with it. Like 144 toy compasses.

I had an idea for 'em at one time, but, the time came and went for the occasion for which I actually needed 'em. Then, a month later, I bought 'em anyway, for just in case I did need 'em again. Cuz they're so dang cute. :rolleyes:
But, now, I don't actually need 'em. http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/gaah.gif


144 toy compasses? ROFL...

AmyR 08-14-2007 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by GinaK (Post 6846536)
144 toy compasses? ROFL...

ROFLOL I was thinking the same thing.......;)

JulieHRR 08-14-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by GinaK (Post 6846536)
144 toy compasses? ROFL...

They really are cute! And, that was the smallest quantity they had . . . off-hand, would you happen to have any project ideas for which they might come in handy?

twinks 08-14-2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by JulieHRR (Post 6846670)

They really are cute! And, that was the smallest quantity they had . . . off-hand, would you happen to have any project ideas for which they might come in handy?

Why don't you use them like you did the miniature cards for the royal flush. Instead...you could have a sentiment like: Thanks for showing me the way!

Then you would have *just* 143 left. 142 if you make an extra card for twinks. ;)

Tah Dah! 08-14-2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by JulieHRR (Post 6846670)
They really are cute! And, that was the smallest quantity they had . . . off-hand, would you happen to have any project ideas for which they might come in handy? http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...idisaythat.gif

How about a card for your honey, your "True North"? Or for a friend "for helping you find your way"?

OK, I admit those are cheesy ideas, but that's just the way my brain works :mrgreen:

twinks 08-14-2007 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tah Dah! (Post 6846770)
How about a card for your honey, your "True North"? Or for a friend "for helping you find your way"?

OK, I admit those are cheesy ideas, but that's just the way my brain works :mrgreen:

Ooooh, I likey "True North"!!!

sign me,

Joan B 08-14-2007 01:35 PM

Hmm compasses -- going in the right direction, going in the wrong direction, north pole, penguins, lost, found, that amuse camping card you made, ok, I'm free associating....

N, S, E, West, you're the best

not quitting my day job..........

Kittypaws 08-14-2007 01:40 PM

I agree 100%. I keep thinking that one day I'll retire and have plenty of time to use all this stuff, but that's five years, at least, in the future. I find it hard to not get some of these cute things. I, too, pretty much restrict myself to SU. When I "retire" I probably won't be able to afford so much, so by then I'll probably combine my stuff with my daughter's, and we can both have a good time - on her nickel! (LOL)

NANCYRUTH 08-14-2007 01:42 PM

by tasking the daily challenges when I am able to I have become more of a stamper and less of a looker/buyer. But I still buy wayyyyy too much stuff and am TRYING to go on a shopping freeze and use all the wonderful STUFF I already own!!!

wagleg 08-14-2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by JulieHRR (Post 6846670)

They really are cute! And, that was the smallest quantity they had . . . off-hand, would you happen to have any project ideas for which they might come in handy?

how bout "feeling a little lost lately"

twinks 08-14-2007 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Joan B (Post 6847201)
Hmm compasses -- going in the right direction, going in the wrong direction, north pole, penguins, lost, found, that amuse camping card you made, ok, I'm free associating....

N, S, E, West, you're the best

not quitting my day job..........

Thank you for the smiles.
I am still thinking about Jantink's post and my hoarding of stamp sets. I may be OCD. Who knew! ? :rolleyes:

hedgiemama 08-14-2007 01:54 PM

Thanks for making me laugh out loud! :mrgreen:

austamper 08-14-2007 02:00 PM

OCD.....that explains a LOT.

JulieHRR 08-14-2007 02:25 PM

OMG! You guys are *good*! I'm jotting all these down!!! :mrgreen:

Yours, too, Joan! :p

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