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jess_witty 03-26-2005 06:41 PM

Adhesive for Laminated Pieces (Xyron)?
So I made some super-cute tags for some of my jarred kitchen stuff... flour, sugar, baby cereal, etc. I laminated them in my Xyron using the 2-sided lamination cartridge. I guess I didn't think it through very well though because when I went to stick them onto the glass jars I realized that my double-sided tape doesn't work. I tried my Sticky Strip tape, monoadhesive, and glue dots... no luck. The adhesive sticks to the glass, but comes right off the lamination.

I'm stumped! Has anyone tried adhering lamination using the permanent Xyron adhesive? Are there any other ideas?

jess_witty 03-26-2005 07:08 PM

Ok... I tried using using the Xyron adhesive... that didn't work either! Please help!

stampintoo 03-26-2005 09:12 PM

I laminated something several years ago and kinda had the same problem. Pretty sure I ended up using no sew Velcro with the sticky back. Can't remember what I was laminating though, just that I had a problem sticking it on. (sigh - I have the memory of a gnat these days - sorry.) Anyway if you want to try that, one part of the Velcro would go on the laminated tag and the other on the glass. I think it worked okay so as long as you don't pull the Velcro apart once the tag is attached to the jar it might work for you, too. HTH.

nary jane 03-27-2005 12:29 PM

not sure if it would work or not...but do you have the laminate/adhesive cartridge? if so, you might be able to relaminate with a piece of paper on the back that the adhesive could stick to.

mbstampin 03-27-2005 01:26 PM

I had this same 'discovery' a few months ago when I was making a label for a paint can. I never could get that thing to stick.

Some time later, I wanted to make homemade dry-erase boards for a project (stamp on CS and laminate) but I needed to stick them onto a backing. So, I went to Michael's looking for the laminate/perm adhesive cartridge but they didn't have any on the shelf. Lo and behold they had 3 of them in the clearance aisle for $9 each!! :D Boy, was I happy!

Moral of the story...always check the clearance aisle!!


wonniegirl 03-27-2005 01:52 PM

when I tried soemthing similar before I had to actually sand where I wanted to adhere the velcro or your glue dot or whatever so that it has something to drag.

We used my nieghbors nail tech drill, but sand paper would work too. You just need to give it some tooth, it is too smooth for any adhesive.

Or.... punch a hole in the tag. Run some cute ribbon around the jar and up through the hole in the tage & tie in a knot or a bow and forget the whole thing!


SuAnn 03-27-2005 03:05 PM

Have you tried Terrifically Tacky Tape (also called red liner tape)? They sell it at Michaels and it is the stickiest tape I have found so far. Good luck.

Boss 03-27-2005 03:57 PM

Laminated plastic - how to make it stick
Have you tried carpet tape? Chances are it won't stick either if glue dots didn't work (I thought glue dots would hold ANYTHING!?)
Maybe you could punch tiny holes in the corners of the labels and string hemp (or stretchy elastic cord or strechy clear bracelet material) around the back of the container in an "x" pattern and make it look like part of the design.
I'll go back to my stamp room and rummage around my adhesives section (don't ask...I like to have a nice supply on hand :wink: ) - I'll let you know if I come up with any fantastic solutions to your problem.

jess_witty 03-28-2005 07:05 PM

Thanks so much for all these ideas! Y'all are the greatest! :lol:

I did try the Terrifically Tacky tape... that darn stuff even holds up to the heat gun so I thought it would work for sure... and then it didn't. :?

I thought that I would have to resort to punching the holes and using ribbon (these jars are going to be handled a lot, so it wouldn't be the greatest for this project), but I think sanding the back of the tag might be the answer! I will try that first, then move on to carpet tape (I'm glad you mentioned that one... I had thought of it, then dismissed it thinking it was too "out there"... nice to know there's someone else thinking along the same lines :wink: !).

I'll let you know what happens!

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