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-   -   about those non stampin up stamps... (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/about-those-non-stampin-up-stamps-100895/)

denier 11-21-2005 09:38 AM

about those non stampin up stamps...
i know many of us have mostly SU stamps, but i LOVE many that aren't. so i buy and use them. do you guys care at all that there are samples in the gallery that don't use SU stamp? i had this discussion with a friend recently and was curious what you thought. any and all thoughts are appreciated.

miss 11-21-2005 09:46 AM

I can't speak for everyone, but I love all the samples. There are some very talented stampers who use (& some demo) CTMH & TAC & they do beautiful work. I'm glad SCS is a place that welcomes all!

photocropper 11-21-2005 09:46 AM

I personally do not mind but I am not a demo and use whatever I like! I think it encourages me to think outside the SU box! :)

jkincolorado 11-21-2005 09:53 AM

I sure hope nobody cares, cuz I have A LOT of non SU stamps too! Most of the cards in my gallery use a mix of SU and non SU stamps--I just use whatever I like. And no, I'm not a demo :)

*I just enjoy seeing different layouts and techniques in the gallery, the stamps could always be changed to your liking.*

stamping_KML 11-21-2005 09:57 AM

I love seeing all the samples. I'm not a demo, but have a lot of SU stamps and many, many other stamps too!

stampinaggie 11-21-2005 10:11 AM

I am a demo, but I don't care if people use other sets. If you are really creative, you can usually figure out a SU! set to use for the same design. I just like getting different ideas, no matter where they come from.

laurakj 11-21-2005 10:20 AM

While I love SU stamps, I think there are quite a few categories in which they are lacking. So non-SU stamp must fill-in. I have no problem seeing non-SU stamps in the gallery. But my suggestion would be to note which company the stamps come from. I don't like seeing a stamp I like and then having to ask who makes it!

denier 11-21-2005 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by laurakj
While I love SU stamps, I think there are quite a few categories in which they are lacking. So non-SU stamp must fill-in. I have no problem seeing non-SU stamps in the gallery. But my suggestion would be to note which company the stamps come from. I don't like seeing a stamp I like and then having to ask who makes it!

i agree! i didn't used to put which company but have started recently noting the company who makes it.

handstampedhappiness 11-21-2005 10:37 AM

Well, I am a demo and I love SU, but I don't mind seeing non-SU stamps in the gallery at all. I love to look at anything that's pretty and creatively done. Stamp away!!

GarnetJ 11-21-2005 11:03 AM

Me too!

Originally Posted by miss
I'm glad SCS is a place that welcomes all!

I am happy too that SCS accepts any stamps AND any stamper. I have nowhere near the talent of some folks.

Originally Posted by laurakj
I don't like seeing a stamp I like and then having to ask who makes it!

I have hundreds of stamps that I purchased in ebay grab-bags. Have no idea who the maker is. Sorry.

stamps&cars 11-21-2005 11:22 AM

I'm not a demo and have stamped for 18 years. My walls are filled with non-SU and SU alike. I don't have to be tied to SU since I'm not a demo and love seeing other samples. Plus, the ability to express my creative outlet with non-su stamps. Thanks, SCS!!

lacyquilter 11-21-2005 11:41 AM

I'm a demo & I use both SU & non-SU for my personal cards. I think there are a lot of great stamps beyond SU. And another way to look at it when other company's stamps are shown, is that even when a stamp is SU, you may not own it. Part of being creative is to take an idea and make it your own. Many times I see a layout that I love, but I don't like the stamps used or I think it would look great with different stamps. And I want to be able to create my own art, not exactly copy someone else's.

denier 11-21-2005 04:53 PM

thank you all for your opinions. i love that this place welcomes all stamping art.

cindyklatt 11-21-2005 04:56 PM

This is good to know! I have tons and tons of SU stamps, but I love so many different types of stamps. I also love viewing everyone's unique art. Thanks for sharing such different styles!

Rox71 11-22-2005 09:43 AM

I didn't see this mentioned by anyone but if you look at the DD gallery you will see other company designs being used. Also way back when...we were told that all designs are welcome here on SCS, not just SU.

It is so nice to see that some of you are demos and still use Non SU designs. To me there are so many nice designs on the market that I could never limit myself to one company. But I did feel real sorry for someone that I talked with on another board who didn't have access to SU...the horror of it all!!!

babzstampz 11-22-2005 11:14 AM

Most of us have stamps from SU! and non-SU! sources and I'm glad to see that people feel free to use their favorites regardless of the source. When I cruise the gallery, if I don't have the exact set someone has used, I try to take inspiration from the "feeling" of the card, to think of what set I *do* have that would reproduce that look. Sometimes it makes me go back to a stamp or set I haven't used in awhile and take a fresh look at it.

Honestly, I'm just wowed every time I look at the cards submitted here! There's so much talent and always something I never would have come up with on my own. You're all so generous in sharing your ideas and your work.

Linda L Bien 11-22-2005 01:19 PM

I agree with ALL of you!!! This site is like the magazines I pick up/and subscribe to!!! I just love stamping no matter whose stamp it is. I mainly use my SU sets, but love the ideas and layouts that can be adapted to whatever set I use. THANK YOU ALL FOR SHARING YOUR CREATIVITY AND TALENTS!!! I found stamping late in life (used to be a decorative painter and still am a little).

jdmeeks 11-22-2005 06:00 PM

I get inspiration from all stamp lines and card samples; so SU or non-SU is not a big issue for me. Personally, I love SU and mostly have SU, but also am a huge fan of A Muse Art, Rubber Moon, Magenta, Paper Inspiration and Hero Arts!!!

Thanks to everyone for all of the great idea sharing!!!

mycatstamps2 11-24-2005 09:48 AM

i've been stamping for a looong time and have been a demo for only a short time- have tons of non SU stamps. The best thing about SCS is that everyone is so welcoming- SU or not. Very, very cool group of people here- and outstanding artwork! I personally love to see all of it, regardless of the vendor.


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