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HKKatie 06-21-2005 03:11 AM

??? about scrapbooks
I'm just curious how you all separate your scrapbook pages? Like what do you consider "YOUR" pages vs. "FAMILY" pages vs. "DD or DS" pages. KWIM? Right now I have all mine combined in one book, but when dd gets older and moves away, I'm sure she'll want to take her baby books with her. And what do you do when you have more than one child? Do you make multiple pages of the same pictures for each child's books?


kendra 06-21-2005 03:50 AM

I made baby books for each of my kids. They contain pages from birth to 2 yrs. Since I started SBing when DD was a baby, I don't really have stuff done from before her birth (yet!). So as far a the scrapbooks are concerned, my life pretty much didn't exsist before 1996 -- LOL! When DS came along, I stopped DD baby book and moved to doing a baby book for DS & a family book for everything else. When they started preschool, I started school books for each and I update those once a year at the end of the school year so now when they finish high school, they will have a summary of their school years. I have also done a few theme albums, but for the most part everything is in our family album in chronological order. When they get married and get settled into their own homes they will get their baby books and their school books. They'll just have to fight over everything else later. HTH, Kendra

Julesiana 06-21-2005 03:53 AM

There are many different philosophies on this. Here is what I do:
I scrap mostly pics of my children so they either goin in one of their books, the next biggest catagory I scrap is Christmas, then Family Vacations--so I have a book for each of those. DH has a book at work and I fill that with particularly inspiring photos.
Also, I scrap in two formats, 8.5" x 11" for the kid's books and then 12" x 12" for all of the others.

There is no way to be absolutely fair with out driving yourself totally crazy.
Just a note: My MIL keeps all of the albums at her home (20+ for 4 kids) and the kids can have them after she dies. LOL! She wants them with her now AND she does not want to witness the "splitting up" of them. (she just cracks me up!)

malindaplace 06-21-2005 04:04 AM

Ditto everything Kendra said. That is exactly how I breakdown our family scrapbooks.

I've also done a Christmas album that has a 2-page spread showing highlights from each Christmas - we use it as a coffee table book during the holidays.

Also each child has a personal scrapbook for things that are special to them but not related to school or need to be detailed in the family albums -sports team photos, autographed pictures, artwork, AWANA, outings with friends, etc. It's a big 12x15 book that will hold everything from the end of the baby book to the beginning of college.

I've told the boys they can fight over the family albums when my husband and I are both dead.

emilymomto3boys 06-21-2005 05:16 AM

Well, I just starting scrappin 9 mos ago and I am not doing backlog. So I have 4 albums. Family, Dh's Iraq album, Dh and me album, and Me album. I actually have 2 family albums as the first one is full. I am not separating kids cause it' sjust too hard. They are always together in all the photos anyway!

cardsbyanita 06-21-2005 06:26 AM

My thought is...by the time I'm willing to let the kiddos take the scrapbooks, "copy machines" (scanners, printers...) will have advanced so much that they will be able to get a high quality reproduction made and one can have reproduction and the other the "real thing". So, no, I don't make 2 of each.


Laurie FW 06-21-2005 12:01 PM

I do a family album first. I save a few pictures, or doubles of the best ones and also do a few pages a year for both my children. I don't stress out over these pages, though. I think they will want to take some with them when they leave home and they won't want them to be very big! LOL! I haven't gone back yet to do their baby books yet, so their own albums start with pre-school. I try to go to as many of their school events as I can (Valentine's day, field trips, Christmas parties, school birthdays, musical events, sports, etc) and this is what I put into their own albums. I also take snapshots of them playing with special friends and each other to put in a page or two of this in their own albums. I made sure I included a picture of our house and neighborhood and both of them have a special tree that we take a picture of them in front of yearly to see how both kid and tree are growing. All in all, I only do 10-12 pages a year at most to put in their own albums. My family albums are what I will get to keep when they are gone and they have much more pictures and pages in them!:)

Melissa 8791 06-21-2005 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by cardsbyanita
My thought is...by the time I'm willing to let the kiddos take the scrapbooks, "copy machines" (scanners, printers...) will have advanced so much that they will be able to get a high quality reproduction made and one can have reproduction and the other the "real thing". So, no, I don't make 2 of each.


Anita, I have thought this exact same thing! LOL


AlysonRR 06-21-2005 04:56 PM

They say hindsight is 20-20 and I'm planning accordingly. We have chronological albums with all the "keeper" photos - sometimes a single event takes up 3-4 double page spreads. But I plan to make highlight albums for my children when they're getting ready to move out of our home. I figure by the time they're 16-25 I'll know if the hundreds of photos of trains or homeschool projects or friends, etc., are actually significant to their adult lives or not.


jul80566 06-21-2005 08:33 PM

I scrap in chronological order.. my 2 ildern have their own albums. I love the idea of doing a highlight album, I'll probably do one right before they graduate high school and then maybe another when they get married.

This also guarntees I'll always have something to scrap, giving me a great excuse to continue purchasing scrapbook supplies!!! LOL

Granny Hawkins 06-22-2005 04:25 AM

All Poppa asked of me when I started this crazy stuff was for me to keep a house album. I keep a running 8X10 album current on anything to do with the house,yard,garden,pets etc. If this is all it takes to keep me in stampin' supplies then I will keep it current above everything else.:)

1 did 1 8X10 album on my daddy who died in 1982.

I have 1 8X10 "All About Me" album. Starts current and goes back to the how it all began.

I do small 7X7 albums for major vacations.

I did separate albums for the grandkids in the old 5X7 ablums. 1 for each year until they turned 3.

Then they are all combined in 12X12. I do them in order by events and special occasions and if 1 shows up more no big deal.

I keep these current and have gone back to when the 9 year old was 3 and started working forward also.

Probably confusing for some but it works great for me.:) One day both ends will hopefully meet in the middle.

inkmagination 06-22-2005 04:33 AM

I know a friend of a friend that makes 3 identical albums, one for her and one for each of her 2 children...uhh, no thanks, I would get so bored doing everything in 3's. I'm lucky to scrap one page! haha

I do not have that issue, yet, since I only have one, but I figure I will do baby books, then family albums and I agree w/ previous posters, there will be copiers that copy wonderfully and the family can copy.

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