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-   -   Purrs & Pants Website is Up and Running! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/announcements-13/purrs-pants-website-up-running-369052/)

kgladney 08-01-2008 10:02 AM

Purrs & Pants Website is Up and Running!
I am so excited that this website is up and running. I think I am going to be in trouble after viewing some of their stamps as I have two cats and a dog and I just adore their stamps.

Happy Shopping all you cat and dog lovers!


purpleflowers 08-01-2008 11:32 AM

I'm not affiliated in any way but I thought I could save anyone interested some time figuring out their website:

Purrs and Pants

khara 08-01-2008 11:45 AM

How cool is that for us animal lovers!!!!!

Dotty 08-01-2008 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by purpleflowers (Post 10761282)
I'm not affiliated in any way but I thought I could save anyone interested some time figuring out their website:

Purrs and Pants

Thanks so much for the link!!! :) Off to take a look!

stamper1996 08-01-2008 12:08 PM

YEAH, I've been waiting for weeks to see it!

Cathy H 08-01-2008 02:21 PM

OHHH They sure have some cute images!!! Lots of great Christmas stamps (which I always say I don't need any more of but I buy anyway!!)

ibaa4food 08-01-2008 03:55 PM

I've been waiting for sooo long, thanks for sharing!

lcmdws 08-01-2008 04:08 PM

Can't wait til the error message is gone

mokkabella 08-02-2008 07:51 AM

i checked it out... dogs are nice i thought there will be more variety(breeds of dogs) but they are cute.

Kathi127 08-02-2008 06:34 PM

Yippee!! I've been waiting for this site to be up and running! Such cute stamps! Thanks for posting the link!

FlyGirlStamper 08-03-2008 10:38 AM

Wow! I didn't even know this site was in the works! I just checked the entire place out and can't wait to place an order!

scrappin_in_AK 08-04-2008 02:02 PM

cool - TFS

elimaxandlela 08-04-2008 05:05 PM

My doggies go to daycare and we are constantly needing cards for their "teachers". We also do a lot with rescue groups and fostering so this is awesome! How exciting!


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