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StephStamps 06-22-2004 01:02 PM

Moving Update
My moving Update:

My contractors (family-mother daughter, and daugher in law) had a fam emergency. They are returning this evening to whip the slackers that have been taking their sweet chicken butt time on finishing up jobs into shape.....We HAVE to close by July 2. We either have to pay a penelty or loose our rate!
The AIR finally got fixed, now I'm battling w/ my DH and Father in law about when the appropriate time to lay the hardwood.....shesh! My DH's daddy just likes to make things more difficult! :x :x :x

This is what we need to be done: HARDWOOD, finish Sod, finish small 2 hour brick job, landscaping, plumber needs to hook up stuff, bathtub and marbel shower installed, and backsplash on the countertops! :!:

On Friday, the stupid dirt man left this BIG pile of dirt in the frount yard....and the sod was there. My DH had to shovel it in a wheel barrel to the back yard so they could lay the sod they had...cause it could die. AND then Monday when the stupid dirt man came to get his bulldozer, HE LEFT THE DIRT IN A PILE IN THE BACKYARD!!!! Dumb Chicken beer butt that's what I think! :roll:

My DH also things that I should spend less time 'stamping' and more time 'packing' ....as I already mentioned he has ''grounded'' me from my stamps (BTW..I uploaded some cards today...hubby is at work till 11pm I'll be on to chat tonight!) We already have SEVERAL boxes laying around our house and i just CAN NOT STAND THE CLUTTER I am not packing another thing until like right before we move. I can't pack up clothes, furniture, or hygene stuff cause I am using it. I can't pack up stamps because...well I am addicted thats all.
WHEW...I feel a little better! Thanks for letting me vent out! :wink:

Shell 06-22-2004 01:08 PM

ROTFL Stephanie!!! You are too funny. I hope everything gets taken care of so that your move is smooth and quick! Oh .... and don't pack the stamps until the very end - you never know when the need for a 'fix' might come!!!! Been there, done that! LOL!


06-22-2004 01:09 PM

Whew! Sounds crazy!
But remember, Breath, stamp, breath, stamp! You should already be feeling better.

StephStamps 06-22-2004 01:10 PM

My DH tried to get me to pack them last night....I laughed really hard :lol:

Shell 06-22-2004 01:14 PM

LOL!! I'm sure you did!!! I would have, too!


JoyOfStamping 06-22-2004 01:24 PM

WOW! What an experience!!!! And to add school on top of that!

Well, I hope that the rest of your MOO-ve goes much smoother!!!! :)

StephStamps 06-22-2004 01:33 PM

JOY! Shame on you! We DO NOT say the "S" Word!!!!

I'll be done w/ summer school next thrusday! WHOO HOO! Which reminds me...i got to do some h/w so I can chat tonight!!!! and to show my DH that I do other things besides stamp and surf!

But...I return to my "Nanny Job" that day too...At least she has a comp, and the boys are 6 and 10 big enough to move a box!

JoyOfStamping 06-22-2004 01:55 PM

LOL!!!! :) Sorry.... didn't mean to use the "S" word!!!! You've got "SS".... that's doubly (not even a word, right?) worse!

Is there chatting tonight? I thought it was only MWF!

StephStamps 06-22-2004 02:04 PM

9 Attachment(s)
I thought it was anynight after 7pm?

Anyway here are some pic's of the house

JoyOfStamping 06-22-2004 02:07 PM

What a beautiful home. After you visit Joleen and me in Cali, we can visit you there..... and sleep in your stamp room! :) hee hee! :)

StephStamps 06-22-2004 02:08 PM

3 Attachment(s)
and my all time favorite the kitchen light....we do have countertops now. I love this LIGHT!

cathy maxwell 06-22-2004 02:42 PM

That light fixture is just beautiful!!!!! You have a very lovely home!!!

scdecker 06-22-2004 04:04 PM

The house is beautiful! New construction is so stressful, though - Bob Vila needs to do a THis NEW House! Where in Arkansas is is? A long time ago (the Wal-mart in Bentonville was celebrating its grand Opening and Jimmy Carter was in the White House), I spent part of the Fall in Rogers for work. Beautiful country, and nice people.
Good luck with the packing and move.

StephStamps 06-22-2004 04:23 PM

wow....I live in central arkansas, a lil town outside of Cabot about 30min northeast of LR.

sparklinbecks 06-22-2004 05:26 PM

I know how you feel about the house building/moving. I just did that all last year, and now I am having to travel back and forth every month to keep the house up because we temporarily relocated. its hard enough to keep up on one place but now I am doing two! Once your house is finished it will be so great for you and you will know everything you went through was worth it :)

KindaCrazyCassie 06-22-2004 05:49 PM

Well thankfully you won't have to do any remodeling for a while.
:) I had to help pull up tile that had 30 year old glue sticking real well
And then there was even older glue underneath that! I thought my fingers would fall off! But Hey! We have a GREAT kitchen floor now!

joleenieweenie 06-22-2004 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by JoyOfStamping
What a beautiful home. After you visit Joleen and me in Cali, we can visit you there..... and sleep in your stamp room! :) hee hee! :)


StephStamps 06-22-2004 06:11 PM

anytime girls name the date.....

TexasGrammy 06-22-2004 06:36 PM

Oh Stephanie! This entire thread has me LAUGHING!!! Isn't it so nice that other stamper feel your pain!?! Your home is going to be wonderful ... and SCS is here to help you through the sticky parts!
(Still giggling!)

alasku2stamp 06-22-2004 06:51 PM

Ya know, I love being a govt employee/married to a gov't employee. We don't pack, just unpack... and the moving truck shows up and they shove everything in and go and then unload everything. All I have to do is unpack. Of course the downside is that they will literally pack everything! We had a friend who left his lunch on the counter to go sign some final papers with the apartment and when he came back the lunch was gone. they had packed it. Same goes with garbage. Some ppl have gotten to their new duty station and had to put things into storage while they house hunted and had a huge mess to deal with when they started unpacking. Plus ya have to watch and make sure they are not putting a fire extinguisher on top of your china. But all in all....it sure beats doing it myself and they are always done in a day or less.

StephStamps 06-22-2004 06:54 PM

I don't like you very much right now.......no fair!

Just kidding !!!!!!!! :D

laffenstamper 06-23-2004 06:56 PM

Wow, Steph...what a beautiful home! Hey, I am not really all that far away. I go within a hundred miles or so when I take my daughter back to college. Maybe I could re-route my trip!

I love the red dining room!

StephStamps 06-23-2004 07:14 PM

where does she go...
let me guess


laffenstamper 06-23-2004 10:43 PM

No, a little farther than that. She goes to Texas A&M, Commerce. We just take a weird route to get there!

Kar 06-24-2004 02:03 AM

OMG that house is beautiful. I hope I have less problems when we get out new house up later this year. I am not looking forward to the packing and unpacking (we are only moving 1/4 mile away) Might be better if we were further away? Of course on the bright side don't have to pack some things just load them in the truck and go since so close.

PrideStampers 06-24-2004 04:21 AM

I'm in Arkansas too! I live in NLR. Do you have a stampin group that you get together with?

Your house looks beautful!

StephStamps 06-24-2004 09:01 AM

Whoo hoo!!!!

Another Arkie!!!

Ive been waiting....once I get moved in, you'll have to come over for a stamping day!

PrideStampers 06-24-2004 10:43 AM


Yes, I'd love too! Where are you moving from...I'm new to the boards so I missed that. Also I have SU team meetings with my upline family if you would like to come along. We are meeting this Sunday at 7 pm if you would like to go email me. We usually learn new techniques and sometimes we do swaps and stamp camps together.

Regardless lets get together and stamp when you've settled in!

Stampin SandyH 06-24-2004 11:13 AM

Stephanie, your home is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the pics. If you are chatting with Joleen, it is MWF at 7:00pm I don't know of any other chats going on.

StephStamps 06-24-2004 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by PrideStampers

Yes, I'd love too! Where are you moving from...I'm new to the boards so I missed that. Also I have SU team meetings with my upline family if you would like to come along. We are meeting this Sunday at 7 pm if you would like to go email me. We usually learn new techniques and sometimes we do swaps and stamp camps together.

Regardless lets get together and stamp when you've settled in!

i am moving from a little town outside of cabot (Ward) to another little town outside Cabot (Austin) Not very far away. We have down line meetings quartarly. Who is your upline?

StephStamps 06-25-2004 06:28 AM

****Update June 25
Okay........here is the update!!!!

We got plants! they are soooo cool. They are also planted in the front yard...I got a bunch of hastas, daylillys, and a weaping cherry tree...and a bunch of other stuff...it's really beautiful.

the marble man came. My FIL and DH are working on the hardwood as we speak. tbe brickers are suppose to be coming to fix their error. So we'll see......1 week from today!

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