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Mediwrench 11-28-2005 03:40 PM

adoption announcments
Hello everyone!
We just found out that we are adopting a boy and girl ages 3 and 6. Anyone have any good ideas of how to tell our families? They know that we are adopting be not that we have found a match. We already have a 3 year old girl. I also need an idea for anoucements to mail out to friends

Bobbi B 11-28-2005 04:43 PM

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

I'm afraid I don't have any ideas for you, I just wanted to wish your growing family the best!

Bobbi B

stampin-sunnychick 11-28-2005 04:48 PM

WOW! Congratulations! Talk about an instant family and such fun ages.

You are going to enjoy doing announcements...I would do it similar to a baby announcement but instead title it as an introduction to your new family members/children whichever you prefer...Is there any way that you could get the kids involved? Their hand prints would be really cute as a BG. You could do the 6 yo first and then the 3 yo in a different color inside of the 6 yo's. Just a thought...But lightly inked they would be so sweet!

Best Wishes!

stampin8mom 11-28-2005 06:45 PM

Congrats on the adoptions! What a fantastic experience for you and your family!


camsmom 11-28-2005 06:52 PM

First of all-CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

I think doing a pic of all of your feet in black and white would be cute-then have "Our home has just grown by Four Feet" If you don't like the idea of your own feet on there-maybe the 3 kids together (standing in a circle but a pic of just the feet-or lying down an a view of their feet from their heads looking down). Cute but not too sappy-then you introduce the newest members. I always like it when people have their child's names on there so you could have your DD introduce the new siblings


Sarah is delighted to welcome her new siblings Max and Julia
Welcomed into our family's loving hearts and home on December5th, 2005.

(obviously with your names and the correct date! LOL)

You could also do a circle of hands-where the 5 of you stand together and hold the next person's wrist forming a circle. Then it could be new links in your family's circle.

How wonderful-I know you will have a good time! Please make sure you post it when you are done

dstfrommi 11-28-2005 07:19 PM

I love Britta's idea! I really just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!

instcollector 11-28-2005 07:58 PM

Congratulations to you ! These children are so blessed to be joining your family! I wish you and your children a very happy life as one family unit! I am thrilled for all of you!!

At my daughter's wedding, she and her new husband blended two families together. One of the solos was a beautiful song, "Love Will Be Our Home". I was so touched by the words of the song. Maybe you could use some of the lyrics to that song in your announcement.......just a thought!

serialpurrs 11-28-2005 08:14 PM

I have no idea, but big congrats :)

Softangelkisses 11-29-2005 01:46 AM

I would make it similar to a baby announcement, but make it a "Family Announcement" Including a pic would be great, and how about sending one to the newspaper announing your new arrivals!! The hospitals around here always put the new babies in, so why not put your new family in!!

raduse 11-29-2005 08:10 PM

CONGRATS!!!! I like Britta's idea too.

ajcmeyer 11-29-2005 11:07 PM

Congratulations our family was added to by the miracle of adoption as well and I can relate to what a wonderful time you are going through right now. YEAH for you and your family!

As far as the announcement I love the ideas previously mentioned, for some reason I was envisioning plants, flowers or something growing or maybe even a tree and showing how your family has grown two more. For example the tree could grow two new limbs like a family tree? I don't know just brain storming. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Congratulations to you the hardest part is over. . .the waiting!

pugs99 11-29-2005 11:57 PM

Just wanted to say congratulations and God bless!
Any possibility you could work Christmas gifts into your announcement?
Just an idea, good luck to you and your family in any case!

clognmom 12-02-2005 12:09 PM

Will they be with you before Christmas? I was thinking of getting one of those personalized ornaments with everyone's name on it and giving it to them on Christmas or as an "early" present. It would be fun to see their faces when they realize what it means.

I like Britta's idea for the announcements.


jess_witty 12-03-2005 06:16 AM

Are you going to be telling your family in person? Our parents live in town so we sent them a notice set up like a ransom note telling them to meet us at a certain restaurant at a certain day and time. (I used a font I found on the internet.) The note indicated that they were not to call us with any questions as they would receive no answers. We had it prearranged with retaurant and they seated everyone while we waited in the back. I know it sounds weird, but we really felt like we needed to tell the families at the same time, and we knew that if we called them to arrange dinner they would start asking questions, etc. This enabled us to make it fun for them but to keep them from asking any questions that would give them clues as to why we were meeting. I also made psuedo-birth annoucement cards for each that we placed at the table before they arrived... they opened those when we arrived and that is what got the ball rolling. It was exciting for everyone and gave us a chance to tell them about the adoption in a fun way.

camsmom 12-03-2005 06:46 AM

Jess that sounds awesome-what a wonderful idea!!!!

Lorstamps 12-03-2005 09:47 AM

Jess & Britta - both wonderful ideas.

Congrats to you Mediwrench! Going from 1 to 3 is going to be so much fun! Enjoy your beautiful family!

CarolinaBird 12-03-2005 06:04 PM

Congratulations! We are awaiting the birth of our 4th child who will be adopted, just as our older three! I plan to send an announcement (some people have no clue and the baby is due THIS month!) which is going to say something like this:

Outside: We've added two feet to our home
with two stamped baby feet in either pink or blue

Inside: Standard birth announcemnt

Best of luck with your adoptions.

mightymouse 12-04-2005 06:44 PM

How wonderful for you and all the family, how exciting for all of you. You been given some great ideas for announcements. God bless you all.

etsdas 12-05-2005 03:27 AM

There are lots of good ideas here. I just want to add my congratulations to you. Hooray for every one who adopts - you are so generous and loving to do this.

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